8.21. Farveforbedring (forældet)

The Color Enhance command increases the saturation range of the colors in the layer, without altering brightness or hue. It does this by converting the colors to HSV space, measuring the range of saturation values across the image, then stretching this range to be as large as possible, and finally converting the colors back to RGB. It is similar to Stretch Contrast, except that it works in the HSV color space, so it preserves the hue.

[Bemærk] Bemærk

This command does not work on Grayscale images. If the image is Grayscale, the menu entry is disabled.

8.21.1. Activating the Command

  • You can access this command from the image menubar through ColorsAutoColor Enhance (legacy).

8.21.2. Eksempel på Farveforbedring (forældet)

Figur 16.186. Oprindeligt billede

Oprindeligt billede

Det aktive lag og dets histogrammer for rød, grøn og blå før Farveforbedring.

Figur 16.187. Kommando anvendt

Kommando anvendt

Det aktive lag og dets histogrammer for rød, grøn og blå efter Farveforbedring (forældet). Resultatet er måske ikke altid som forventet.