5.9. Polar Coordinates

5.9.1. Pregled

Slika 17.71. Example for Polar Coordinates filter

Example for Polar Coordinates filter


Example for Polar Coordinates filter

Polar Coordinates filter applied

It gives a circular or a rectangular representation of your image with all the possible intermediates between both.

5.9.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersDistortsPolar Coordinates….

5.9.3. Možnosti

Slika 17.72. Polar Coordinates filter options

“Polar Coordinates” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Predogled, Merge filter, Split view
[Opomba] Opomba

These options are described in Razdelek 2, “Common Features”.

Globina kroga v odstotkih

Slider and input box allow you to set the "circularity" of the transformation, from rectangle (0%) to circle (100%).

Kot zamika

This option controls the angle the drawing will start from (0 - 359°), and so turns it around the circle center.

Poslikaj nazaj

When this option is checked, the drawing will start from the right instead of the left.

Poslikaj z vrha

If unchecked, the mapping will put the bottom row in the middle and the top row on the outside. If checked, it will be the opposite.

V polarne

If unchecked, the image will be circularly mapped into a rectangle (odd effect). If checked, the image will be mapped into a circle.

X, Y

These polar coordinates are active only if the Choose middle option is unchecked.

Choose middle

Checked by default: origin center is at the middle of the layer. If unchecked, you can modify X and Y parameters to position the origin center.

5.9.4. Primeri

Slika 17.73. Z besedilom

Z besedilom

If you have just written the text, you must Flatten the image before using the filter.

Slika 17.74. With two horizontal bars

With two horizontal bars