3.15.  Compose

Revision History
Revision $Revision: 1963 $ 2006-11-12 j.h

3.15.1.  Overview

Figure 15.51.  From left to right: Decomposed image (RGB decomposition), composed image.

From left to right: Decomposed image (RGB decomposition), composed image.

Original image (decomposed to RGB)

From left to right: Decomposed image (RGB decomposition), composed image.

Filter “Compse” applied

You can find this filter through FiltersColorsCompose This filter is active in Filters/Colors after using Decompose.

This filter reconstructs an image from its RGB, HSV... components.

3.15.2.  Options

Figure 15.52.  Compose” filter options

Compose filter options

Compose Channels

You can select there the color space to be used: RGB, HSV... The options are described in the following Decompose plug-in.

Channel Representation

Allows you to select which channel will be affected to each image channel.

[Tip] Tip

If Compose options are different from Decompose ones, for instance an image decomposed to RGB then re-composed to LAB, you will get interesting color effects. Test it!