This window gathers together the current options of Toolbox, for each of your input devices: the mouse (named «Core pointer») or either the tablet, if you have one. These options are represented by icons: foreground and background colors, brush, pattern and gradient. Excepted for colors, clicking on an icon opens the window which lets you select another option; the tool-box will be updated when changing. You can drag and drop items to this dialog.
The «Save device status» button
at the bottom of the
window, seems to have the same action as the «Record device
status now» option in the Input Devices section in preferences.
Диалог «Состояние устройства» можно прикрепить на панель. Более подробно об этом написано в разделе Раздел 2.3, «Диалоги и панели».
через меню изображения:
→ → ;из меню вкладки любого диалога :
→ .