7.42. Interseção do Canal Alfa com a Seleção

The Intersect Alpha with Selection command creates a selection in the current layer from the Alpha Channel. Opaque pixels are fully selected, transparent pixels are unselected, and translucent pixels are partially selected. This selection is intersected with the existing selection: only common parts of both selections are kept. The alpha channel itself is not changed.

7.42.1. Ativando o comando

  • You can access this command from the main menu through LayerTransparencyIntersect Alpha with Selection,

  • ou a partir do menu flutuante que aparece quando você clica com o botão direito na camada ativa no diálogo de camadas .

7.42.2. Exemplo

Figura 16.108. Applying Intersect Alpha with Selection

Applying “Intersect Alpha with Selection”
Applying “Intersect Alpha with Selection”

Foi feita uma intersecção dos pixels não transparentes da camada ativa com a seleção retangular existente.