Kapitola 4. What to do if you are stuck


1. Introduction
2. Obvyklé případy nekomunikativnosti GIMPu
2.1. Existuje plovoucí výběr
2.2. Výběr je skrytý
2.3. You are acting outside the selection
2.4. Aktivní kreslící plocha není viditelná
2.5. Aktivní kreslící plocha je průhledná
2.6. Snažíte se pracovat mimo vrstvu
2.7. You are trying to act on a layer group
2.8. The image is in indexed color mode.
2.9. No visible effect when trying to use a brush, eraser or other tool
2.10. No visible effect when trying to use the move tool, rotate or other transform tool
2.11. Eraser and brushes no longer work
2.12. Eraser does not make area transparent
2.13. Unexpected colors when trying to use a brush or eraser
2.14. The crop tool leaves an empty area after cropping
2.15. I've been waiting for a long time and GIMP is not responding
2.16. General guidelines on what to check if you are stuck
3. How to fix missing windows and dialogs
3.1. All tool windows are missing
3.2. Tool options dialog is missing
3.3. Some of the tool icons are missing
3.4. The area showing the opened images at the top is missing
4. How to fix problems exporting images
4.1. I am exporting to a jpeg image and my transparent area turned white or black
4.2. I am exporting to a gif image and the colors changed

1. Introduction

Dobře, dobře, nevíte jak dál. Zkoušíte na obrázek použít nějaký nástroj, a ono se nic neděje a nic, co vás napadá, problém neřeší. Svírají se vám pěsti a rudnete ve tváři. Ukončíte program a ztratíte všechnu svou práci? Takhle ne!

Well, hold on a second. This happens pretty frequently, even to people who've used GIMP for a long time, but generally the cause is not so hard to figure out and fix if you know where to look. Let's be calm, and go through a checklist that will probably get you GIMPing happily again.