7.5. Anclar la capa

Cuando mueve o pega una selección, una capa temporal, llamada capa flotante o selección flotante, se añade a la pila de capas. Mientras la capa flotante persiste, solo puede trabajar sobre ella. Para trabajar en el resto de la imagen, debe anclar la capa flotante a la capa activa precedente mediante el comando Anclar capa. Si la imagen no contiene una selección flotante, esta entrada de menú está desactivada y representada con un color gris claro.

[Nota] Nota

If there is an active selection tool, the mouse pointer is displayed with an anchor icon when it is outside of the selection.

7.5.1. Activar el comando

  • You can access this command from the image menubar through LayerAnchor layer,

  • o usando el atajo de teclado Ctrl+H.

7.5.2. Alternative Ways of Anchoring a Floating Selection

There are more ways to anchor a floating selection:

  • You can anchor the floating selection to the current layer the selection is originating by clicking anywhere on the image except on the floating selection.

  • You can also anchor the floating selection to the current layer by clicking on the anchor button Anchor the floating Layer of the Layers dialog.

  • If you create a New Layer while there is a floating selection, the floating selection is anchored to this newly created layer.