9.2. Two methods to create a new brush easily:

First, the superfast method. You have an image area you want make a brush from it, to be used with a tool like pencil, airbrush... Select it with the rectangular (or elliptical) select tool, then do a Copy of this selection and immediately you can see this copy in the first position of the Brush Dialog, and its name is Clipboard. It is immediately usable.

  1. Selection becomes a brush after copying

    Figura 7.21. The second method is more elaborate.

    The second method is more elaborate.

  2. Do FileNew with, for example, a width and a length of 35 pixels and in the advanced options a Color Space in Gray Level and Fill with: white.

    Zoom on this new image to enlarge it and draw on it with a black pencil.

    Save it with a .gbr extension in the directory /home/name_of_user/.gimp-2.4/brushes/.

    Save it with a .gbr extension in the directory /home/name_of_user/.gimp-2.6/brushes/.

    In the Brushes dialog window, click on the button Refresh brushes .

    Steps to create a brush

    Figura 7.22. Draw image, save as brush

    Draw image, save as brush

    Refresh brushes

    Draw image, save as brush

    Use the brush

    Draw image, save as brush
