11.6. Olejomalba

11.6.1. Overview

Obrázek 17.213. Stejný obrázek před a po aplikaci filtru Olejomalba.

Stejný obrázek před a po aplikaci filtru Olejomalba.

Original image

Stejný obrázek před a po aplikaci filtru Olejomalba.

Filter Oilify applied

This filter makes the image look like an oil painting. The Mask size controls the outcome: a high value gives the image less detail, as if you had used a larger brush.

[Tip] Tip

Filtr Gimpressionista umožňuje vytvářet podobné efekty, ale s mnohem širšími možnostmi nastavení.

11.6.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersArtisticOilify….

11.6.3. Options

Obrázek 17.214. Volby filtru Olejomalba

Volby filtru „Olejomalba“

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view
[Poznámka] Poznámka

These options are described in 2 – „Common Features“.

Mask radius buffer, Exponent buffer

You can define two extra layers or channels that will be used as input for this filter.

Poloměr masky

Mask radius selects the size of the brush mask used to paint the oily render. Larger values here produce an oilier render.


Exponent selects density of the brush mask used to paint the oily render.

Number of intensities

Size of the histogram: default is 128. Reducing the number of intensities results in a loss of details.

Intensity mode

Use pixel luminance values: to test.