12.11. À propos

The About command shows the About window, which displays information about the version of GIMP you are running and the many authors who wrote it.

This dialog also shows the Check for updates button that you can use to manually check whether you have the latest version of GIMP. If you have enabled automatic update checking, then this box may show you that a new version of GIMP is available. In that case the button will allow you to go to the newest download for GIMP.

12.11.1. Appel de la commande « À propos »

  • You can access this command in the main menu through HelpAbout

12.11.2. Description de la fenêtre de dialogue

Figure 16.253. La fenêtre de dialogue « À propos »

La fenêtre de dialogue « À propos »

The Credits button shows a list of people that have contributed to GIMP as developers, documenters and artists.

The License button explains how to get the license.