8.20. 色強調

The Color Enhance command stretches the Chroma range of the colors in the layer to the maximum possible, without altering Hue and Lightness. It does this by converting the colors to CIE LCh space, then stretching the Chroma range to be as large as possible, and finally converting the colors back to its native color space.

[注記] 注記

This command does not work on Grayscale images. If the image is Grayscale, the menu entry is disabled.

8.20.1. Activating the Command

  • You can access this command from the main menu through ColorsAutoColor Enhance.

8.20.2. 色強調の例

図16.166 元画像



図16.167 Command applied

Command applied

色強調適用後の活性レイヤーとその赤・緑・青のヒストグラム。 予想通りの結果とならないこともよくある。