図16.195 「色交換」フィルターの使用例
Filter applied with From color RGB (122, 149, 199), To color RGB (255, 0, 0), Red threshold 0.106, Green threshold 0.100, Blue threshold 0.190.
フィルターは活性レイヤー上の選択範囲内で任意に指定した色を別の色に差し替えます。 選択範囲がなければレイヤー全体が対象になります。
「Presets」 are a common feature for several Colors commands. You can find its description in 「Colors Common Features」.
This is the color you want to replace. To choose a color you can either use the color button to open the Color Picker dialog, or you can use the Color Picker tool to pick a color from your image.
This is the new color you want to use. To choose a color you can either use the color button to open the Color Picker dialog, or you can use the Color Picker tool to pick a color from your image.
These sliders allow you to set how sensitive the red, green and blue components are to differences from the From color. The higher the threshold, the more pixels will be affected.
These are common features described in 「Colors Common Features」.