7.56. Resize Layers to Selection

The Resize Layers to Selection command resizes the selected layers to the boundary of the selection by removing any strips at the edge whose contents are all completely unselected. Areas which are partially selected (for example, by feathering) are not resized.

If there is no selection, this menu entry is disabled.

図16.125 Applying Resize Layers to Selection

Applying 「Resize Layers to Selection」

左はコマンド適用前。 境界線にぼかしの入った選択範囲がある。

右はコマンド適用後。 透過していないところが切り抜かれなかった部分。 不完全選択な領域も含まれた。

7.56.1. コマンドの呼び出し方

You can access this command

  • From the main menu through LayerResize Layers to Selection.