7.41. Alfa į pažymėjimą

The Alpha to Selection command creates a selection from the combined alpha channels of all selected layers. This selection replaces the existing selection.

Opaque areas are fully selected, transparent areas are unselected, and translucent areas are partially selected. The alpha channels of the selected layers are not changed.

7.41.1. Activating the Command

You can access this command

  • From the main menu through LayerTransparencyAlpha to Selection.

  • From the Layers Dialog, you can access it through the Alpha to Selection command of its context menu.

7.41.2. Pavyzdys

Pav. 16.107. Pritaikoma Alfa į pažymėjimą

Pritaikoma „Alfa į pažymėjimą“

Example image and its layers.

Pritaikoma „Alfa į pažymėjimą“

Nepermatomi aktyvaus sluoksnio pikseliai buvo pakeisti esamu stačiakampiu pažymėjimu.