5.18. Mark Out Of Gamut Colors

5.18.1. Overview

Figura 16.51. Example for Mark Out of Gamut

Example for “Mark Out of Gamut”

Original image

Example for “Mark Out of Gamut”

Image with Mark Out Of Gamut and Soft Proof enabled in the view menu, and the image's soft-proofing profile set to PSO Uncoated v3 (a CMYK profile).

When enabled, Mark Out Of Gamut Colors will mark all pixels that are out of gamut in the current display of your image with a specific color that you can set in the Soft-Proofing Preferences that can be found in the Color Management section.

This allows you to see which parts of your image will not display correctly on your target device (often a printer).

To get an idea how your image will look enable ViewColor ManagementProof Colors.

5.18.2. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through ViewColor ManagementMark Out Of Gamut Colors.