13.4. Sledenje fraktala

13.4.1. Pregled

Slika 17.292. Sledenje fraktala

Sledenje fraktala

Original image

Sledenje fraktala

Filter Fractal Trace applied

This filter transforms the image with the Mandelbrot fractal: it maps the image to the fractal.

13.4.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersMapFractal trace….

13.4.3. Možnosti

Slika 17.293. Fractal trace filter options

“Fractal trace” filter options


Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Predogled, Merge filter, Split view
[Opomba] Opomba

These options are described in Razdelek 2, “Common Features”.

Fractal type

You choose between Mandelbrot and Julia.

X1, X2, Y1, Y2, Globina

These parameters are similar to Left, Right, Top, Bottom and Iterations parameters of the Fractal Explorer filter. They allow you to vary fractal spreading and detail depth.


Julia seed X and Y value positions. Only shown when fractal type is Julia.

Bailout length

Abyss policy

Mapping image to fractal may reveal empty areas. These options allows you to set displacement behavior on active layer or selection edges. They are described in Abyss policy