14.8. Simplex Noise

14.8.1. Pregled

This filter generates a noise texture using the Simplex Noise algorithm. Results don't depend on the image you opened

Filter applied with default options

14.8.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersRenderNoiseSimplex Noise….

14.8.3. Možnosti

Slika 17.352. Simplex Noise filter options

“Simplex Noise” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Predogled, Merge filter, Split view
[Opomba] Opomba

These options are described in Razdelek 2, “Common Features”.


Scale of the noise function: works like a zoom.


The number of noise octaves.

Naključno seme, Novo zrno

This option controls the randomness of the filter. The Random seed box lets you manually enter a seed for the randomization algorithm used. You can also generate a random seed by pressing the New Seed button. If the same random seed is used in the same situation, the filter produces exactly the same results. A different random seed produces different results.