13.5. Illusion

13.5.1. Overview

Figure 17.286. Illusion


Original image


Filter Illusion applied

With this filter, your image (active layer or selection) looks like a kaleidoscope. This filter duplicates your image in many copies, more or less dimmed and split, and puts them around the center of the image.

13.5.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersMapIllusion….

13.5.3. Options

Figure 17.287. Illusion filter options

“Illusion” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view
[Note] Note

These options are described in Section 2, “Common Features”.


That's the number of copies you want to apply to image. This value varies from -32 to 64. Negative values invert kaleidoscope rotation.

Illusion type

You have two arrangement types for copies in image:

Figure 17.288.  From left to right: original image, Type 1, Type 2, with Divisions=4

From left to right: original image, Type 1, Type 2, with Divisions=4
From left to right: original image, Type 1, Type 2, with Divisions=4
From left to right: original image, Type 1, Type 2, with Divisions=4