16.3. Burn-In

16.3.1. Overview

Рисунок 17.417. Example for the «Burn-In» filter: original image

Example for the «Burn-In» filter: original image

Opaque background layer and foreground layer with transparency

Рисунок 17.418. Example for the «Burn-In» filter: filter applied

Example for the «Burn-In» filter: filter applied

Resulting image with 8 frames (depending on size and speed)

16.3.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersAnimationBurn-In….

16.3.3. Options

Рисунок 17.419. «Burn-In» options

«Burn-In» options

Glow color


Fadeout width

Corona width

After glow

Add glowing

Prepare for GIF

Speed (pixels/frame)