HEIF steht für High Efficiency Image File Format (deutsch »Hocheffizientes Bild-Dateiformat«) und ist auch unter HEIC (High-Efficiency Image Container, deutsch »Hocheffizienter Bildbehälter«) bekannt.
Twice as much information can be stored in a HEIF image as in a JPEG image of the same size, resulting in a better quality. As of September 2022, no browser supports HEIF natively.
More information in Wikipedia.
When checked, the image will be exported with lossless compression. This will create a higher quality image at the cost of a larger file size.
If Lossless is not checked, this value determines the quality of the image compression. 100 provides the best quality image and lowest compression, while 0 provides the highest compression and worst quality image.
Defines what pixel format the exported image should use for color sub-sampling. There are three options:
YUV420: Suitable for photographs with lossy compression. This format is most compatible with other software that uses HEIF.
YUV444: When used with a high Quality setting, this format exports a visually lossless image.
RGB: Useful when exporting images with true lossless quality.
Determines if the pixel data should be stored using 8 bits, 10 bits, or 12 bits per color channel.
The tradeoff between speed and compression. Slow will provide a smaller filesize but takes longer to encode.
If checked, the color profile is embedded in the exported image.
If checked, the Exif metadata is embedded in the exported image.
If checked, the XMP metadata is embedded in the exported image.