14.11. Bayer Matrix

14.11.1. Overview

17.356. ábra - Example for the Bayer Matrix filter

Example for the Bayer Matrix filter

Bayer Matrix filter applied with Scale X, Y = 20

A grand-sounding name for a simple filter. Bayer matrix is related to ordered dithering, which is an image dithering algorithm used to display a continuous image on a display of smaller color depth. The algorithm reduces the number of colors by applying a threshold map known as Bayer matrix (Wikipedia). The present filter uses the Bayer matrix only to create a pattern.

14.11.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersRenderPatternBayer Matrix….

14.11.3. Options

17.357. ábra - Bayer Matrix filter options

„Bayer Matrix” filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view
[Megjegyzés] Megjegyzés

These options are described in 2. szakasz - Common Features.


The number of subdivisions used.

X Scale, Y Scale

Horizontal, Vertical pattern size.


Pattern rotation angle.


Reflect the pattern horizontally when enabled.


Pattern amplitude.


Value offset.


Value exponent using a logarithmic scale.

X Offset, Y Offset

Here you can change the X and Y offsets.