第9章 文字入れ


1. 文字入れ
1.1. Text Area
1.2. テキストレイヤーの管理運用
1.3. Text Toolbox
1.4. Text Context Menu
2. テキスト
2.1. フォントの追加

1. 文字入れ

Text is managed with the Text tool. This tool creates a new layer containing the text, above the current layer in the Layers dialog, with the size of the text box. Its name is the beginning of the text.

図9.1 テキスト品目の例


テキスト品目の例、 テキストレイヤーの境界線が見えている。 (フォント名: Utopia Bold)


The Layers dialog, with the text layer above the layer which was current.

Text can be edited directly on canvas. A text tool box, which shows up on top of the canvas above the text box, allows you to quickly change some of the text characteristics.

[注記] 注記

The settings you change in this on canvas dialog only apply to the parts of the text that are selected, or any new text you type after the current cursor position.


テキストツールのオプションについては 「テキスト」 で説明しています。

1.1. Text Area

You can start typing text at once. The text box will enlarge gradually. Press Enter to add a new line.

You can also enlarge the text box by click-and-dragging, as you do with selections. The box size appears then in the status bar at the bottom of the image:

To edit text, you must, first, select the part you want to edit by click-and-drag, or Shift+arrow keys and then use the options of the 「Text Toolbox」.

文字入れは画像上で直接編集する機能のほかに、 従来のテキストエディターダイアログも利用できます。 「テキストエディター」 をご覧ください。

画像に入れた文字は 「移動」 ツールで移動できます。 ただし文字そのものをクリックせず透過部分をクリックすると背景が動くので注意が要ります。

You can get Unicode characters with Ctrl+Shift+U plus hexadecimal Unicode code of the desired char, for example:

図9.2 Entering Unicode characters

Entering Unicode characters


Entering Unicode characters

4 7

Entering Unicode characters


Of course this feature is more useful for entering special (even exotic) characters, provided that the required glyphs for these characters are supplied by the selected font — only few fonts support Klingon. ;-)

Unicode 0x47 (G), 0x2665, 0x0271, 0x03C0

既に作ったテキストレイヤーは (下記に示す) 他のツールで加工される前であれば後からでも編集できます。 そのテキストレイヤーを レイヤーダイアログ で選んで活性化させ、 テキストツールを呼び出し、 そのテキストレイヤーの文字を画像ウィンドウでクリックします。

1.2. テキストレイヤーの管理運用

テキストレイヤーは他のレイヤーと同じ要領で操作できますが、 操作によってはその成果を失なわずにテキストを再編集する望みの無いことも覚悟せねばなりません。

テキストレイヤーには見たままの画素データだけではない情報が詰まっていることがわかると、 テキスト操作の特質を少しでも理解する助けになるかもしれません。 その情報とは、 テキストについてのテキストエディター形式による表現です。 テキストツールを使うときに現れるテキストエディターウィンドウ内で見られます。 テキストを変更するたびに画像のレイヤー上でもその成果が反映されます。

テキストレイヤーを作成したあとで、 テキストツールを通さない操作 (たとえば回転) をしたとします。 そのテキストをまたテキストツールで編集すると、 テキストツールはテキストレイヤーを再描画しますので、 それまでのこのレイヤーに対する操作の成果は破棄されることになります。

目立たない危険ですので、 テキストツールはそれに陥らないようにはからいます。 操作してあるテキストレイヤーのテキストを再び編集しようとすると、 メッセージが現れ、 それまでの操作が取り消されてしまうことを警告し、 つぎの 3 つの選択肢を示します。

  • そのまま編集を続行

  • 断念

  • そのテキストレイヤーはそのままに、 テキストや属性が同じテキストレイヤーを新たに作成

図9.3 変更が失われることを警告


1.3. Text Toolbox

図9.4 Text Toolbox

Text Toolbox

You get this box, which overlays canvas, as soon as you click on canvas with the Text Tool. It allows you to edit text directly on canvas.

Apart from the usual text formatting features like font family, style and size selectors you get numeric control over baseline offset and kerning, as well as the ability to change text color for a selection.

  • Change font of selected text: as soon as you start editing the default font name, a drop-down list appears, allowing you to select a font.

  • Change size of selected text: self-explanatory.

  • Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough : self-explanatory.

  • Change baseline of selected text: "In European typography and penmanship, baseline is the line upon which most letters "sit" and below which descenders extend" (Wikipedia). In HTML, there are several kinds of baselines (alphabetic, ideographic, bottom…). Here, consider that baseline is "bottom" and determines the place for descenders. The default baseline "0" gives place for descenders. You can use it to increase space between two lines only, while Adjust line spacing in tool options increases space between all lines.

    図9.5 Default Baseline

    Default Baseline

    Default baseline marked with a red line.

  • Change kerning of selected text: "In typography, kerning… is the process of adjusting the spacing between characters in a proportional font." (Wikipedia). You will probably use this setting to adjust letter spacing of a selected part of text.

    Let us look at a selected text (zoomx800 to see pixels):

    図9.6 Example of Selected Text

    Example of Selected Text
    Example of Selected Text

    We can see that the Sans font is a proportional font: letters widths are different, and T glyph comes over the e. Letters widths are marked with thin vertical lines and left borders of letter width cover preceding letters by one pixel. Now we set Change kerning of selected text to 2 pixels:

    図9.7 Example of Text Kerning

    Example of Text Kerning
    Example of Text Kerning

    Blank spaces, 2 pixels wide, are added between all selected characters and letter widths are preserved. If no text is selected, a blank space is added at the place of the mouse pointer between two characters.

    Here is a comparison with the Adjust letter spacing option of the Text tool:

    図9.8 Example of Text Spacing

    Example of Text Spacing
    Example of Text Spacing

    The option applies to the whole text, not only to the selected text. Blank spaces are added inside letters widths and letter widths are not respected.

  • You can also use Alt+arrow keys to change baseline offset and kerning.

  • Change color of selected text: this command opens a color dialog where you choose a color for the selected text.

  • Clear style of selected text: using this command, you can get rid of all new settings you applied to the selected text.

1.4. Text Context Menu

The context menu can be brought up by right-clicking on text. It is somewhat different from that of the Text Editor dialog.

The context menu offers the following options:

  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete: these commands work with selected text. Except for Paste, they are disabled as long as no text is selected. Paste is enabled when the clipboard contains text.

  • Open text file…: this command opens a file dialog where you can select a text file. The contents of this file will be opened in the current text layer.

  • 消去: このコマンドはそのレイヤー内の文字を選択のあるなしにかかわらず全部消去します。

  • Text to Path: this command creates a path from the outlines of the current text. The result is not evident. You have to open the Paths dialog and make path visible. Then select the Path tool and click on the text. Every letter is now surrounded with a path component. So you can modify the shape of letters by moving path control points.

    このコマンドは画像ウィンドウのメニューの レイヤーテキストをパスに と同じものです。

    図9.9 Text to path applied

    Text to path applied

    Nothing appears.

    図9.10 Path made visible

    Path made visible

    Path made visible in Path tab. Path appears as a red border around text.

    図9.11 Path tool activated

    Path tool activated

    Path tool activated; click on path.

  • テキストをパスに沿って変形:

    This option is enabled only if a path exists. When your text is created, then create or import a path and make it active. If you create your path before the text, the path becomes invisible and you have to make it visible in the Paths dialog.

    The Text along path command is also available from the Layer menu in the main menu.

    The commands Discard Text Information, Text to Path, and Text along Path only appear in the Layer menu if a text layer is selected.

    Select the Text along Path option. The text is wrapped along the path. Letters are represented with their outline. Each of them is a component of the new path that appears in the Paths dialog.

    [注記] 注記

    You can change the direction that the text is wrapped around the path by reversing the stroke direction when editing the path with the Path Tool. In the same way you can change at which anchor stroking starts.

    図9.12 パスに沿ってテキストを変形の例


    By converting a text item to a selection or a path, you can fill it, stroke the outlines, transform it, or generally apply the whole panoply of GIMP tools to get interesting effects.

  • From left to right, From right to left, Vertical, right to left (mixed orientation), Vertical, right to left (upright orientation), Vertical, left to right (mixed orientation), Vertical, left to right (upright orientation): These commands let you adjust the writing direction of the text.