The Navigation dialog is designed to offer easy movement around the active image if the zoom is set higher than what the image window can display. If this is the case, there is a white colored rectangle that shows the location of the current view area in respect to the image. In this rectangle, the mouse pointer takes the form of a grabbing hand; outside this rectangle, it takes the form of a hand with pointing fore-finger.
Click outside the rectangular area with the pointing fore-finger on the wanted region.
Use Shift and mouse-wheel to move horizontally, Alt and mouse-wheel to move vertically.
「バッファー」ダイアログはドッキング可能です。 その扱い方については 「ダイアログとその合体」 の節をご覧ください。
from the main menu:
→ → ;from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking the tab menu button and selecting → ,
from the main menu:
→ .If you have scrollbars enabled, then you can access it more quickly (but without the zoom functions) by clicking on the icon at the right bottom corner of the image window where both scrollbars end.
It allows easy zoom level control, more precise than with the Zoom command. This slider can also be moved using the mouse wheel when the mouse pointer is on the slider, or Ctrl and mouse wheel.
These buttons are self explanatory.
画像ウィンドウに不活性区域が残らない程度まで画像を拡大表示します。 画像の縦横比が画像ウィンドウの縦横比よりも大きければ画像は左右にはみ出し、 小さければ上下にはみ出します。
表示倍率を保ったまま画像の全体が見えるように画像ウィンドウの大きさを変えます。 「ウインドウサイズを合わせる」 に詳細があります。