5.4. 새 붓 빨리 만들기

There are two methods to create a new brush:

  1. First, the quick temporary method. You have an image area from which you want to make a brush, to be used with a tool like pencil, airbrush, etc. Select it with the rectangular (or elliptical) select tool, then Copy this selection. Immediately you can see this copy in the first position of the Brush Dialog, and its name is Clipboard. It is immediately usable.

    This brush is temporary: it disappears when you close GIMP. You can make it permanent by clicking on the Duplicate this brush at the bottom of the brush panel.

    그림 7.20. 선택을 복사하면 붓이 됩니다.

    선택을 복사하면 붓이 됩니다.

  2. 두번째 방법은 약간 복잡합니다.

    Select FileNew… from the main menu.

    Set Width and Height for example to 30 pixels.

    In the Advanced Options, set for example the Color space to Grayscale and set Fill with to White.

    이미지를 확대해서 검정색 연필로 그림을 그립니다.

    Select FileExport As… from the main menu.

    Export the image with a .gbr extension in the brushes directory in your personal GIMP folder. The location of this folder depends on your OS:

    • Linux: /home/user_name/.config/GIMP/3.0/

    • macOS: /Users/user_name/Library/Application Support/GIMP/3.0/

    • Windows: C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\GIMP\3.0\

    In the Brush Dialog, click on the button Refresh brushes .

    Your brush appears among the other brushes. You can use it immediately, without restarting GIMP.

    그림 7.21. 붓 만들기 과정

    붓 만들기 과정

    이미지를 그리고, 붓으로 저장합니다.

    붓 만들기 과정

    붓 새로고침

    붓 만들기 과정

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