4.9. 3D Transform

The 3D Transform tool allows you to change the perspective of a layer and to move it in 3D space. You can set a vanishing point, then rotate the layer in X, Y, and Z axes.

It offers the usual option dialog under Toolbox and an on-canvas settings dialog.

4.9.1. Activating the Tool

There are different possibilities to activate the tool:

  • From the main menu: ToolsTransform Tools3D Transform.

  • By clicking the tool icon in the Toolbox.

  • By pressing the Shift+W keyboard shortcut.

4.9.2. Options

Şekil 14.110. Tool Options Dialog

Tool Options Dialog

Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool. If they are not, you can access them from the main menu through WindowsDockable WindowsTool Options which opens the option window of the selected tool. The available tool options can also be accessed by double clicking the corresponding tool icon in the Toolbox.

Transform, Direction, Interpolation, Clipping, Show image preview, Guides
[Not] Not

These options are described in Transform tools common options.

Unified interaction

This option allows shifting the vanishing, as well as panning and rotating without switching between tabs on the on-canvas settings dialog.

Constrain axis (Shift)

When you press Shift, the present transformation axis becomes fixed in preview.

Z axis (Ctrl)

When you press Ctrl, transformation is done around the Z axis.

Local frame (Alt)

This option allows controlling the transformation in the layer local frame of reference (the current layer), instead of the global one (all layers).