2.19. Close View

The Close View command closes the active image. It is disabled if no image is open.

Closing an image is not undoable: once it is closed, everything is gone, including the undo history. If the image is not clean — that is, if you have changed it since the last time you saved it — you are asked to confirm that you really want to close it.

[Not] Not

An image is only marked as clean when it is saved as an XCF file. Exporting to a different image format does not mark a changed image as clean, since it does not preserve all the information in the image.

2.19.1. Komutu Etkinleştirmek

  • You can access this command from the main menu through FileClose View,

  • or by using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W.

  • For most systems on which GIMP runs, you can also execute it by clicking on a Close button somewhere on the image window titlebar. The location and appearance of this button are determined by the windowing system and the window manager. If no image is open, clicking on this button closes GIMP.