I dialogen Tastaturgenveje kan du ændre eller tilføje en tastaturgenvej til en menukommando, et værktøj, et filter osv.
Du kan tilgå den:
gennem hovedmenuen:
→ .eller i dialogen Indstillinger: Gå til afsnittet Grænseflade, og klik derefter på knappen Indstil tastaturgenveje ….
Hvis du allerede ved, hvilken kommando du vil ændre tastaturgenvejen til, kan du bruge feltet Søg til at indtaste den. Dette vil forkorte listen over mulige kommandoer til kun dem, der indeholder den tekst, du søgte efter.
The center area of the dialog shows the action categories on the left. You can expand a category by pressing the icon in front of it, and collapse it by pressing the icon again. Each expanded action category will show a list of available actions. The middle column shows which Shortcut is assigned to each action, or “Disabled” when the action doesn't have a Shortcut. The “Name” column shows the name by which GIMP knows the action.
All actions that can be assigned a shortcut are divided into categories. Each menu has a category that corresponds with its name, and all scripts and plug-ins are sorted into categories based on the first part of their name.
Vink | |
To increase the amount of visible actions, you can resize the dialog to your liking. |
When you have found the action you want to set a shortcut for, click on the line that shows the action details. To change the shortcut, click again on the Shortcut column. The column Shortcut for that line will change to New accelerator…. GIMP is now waiting for you to use a keyboard shortcut. As soon as you enter a key combination, the shortcut is added to that action. Unless the shortcut you entered was already assigned to another action. In that case it will tell you what action the key combination is used for and ask you what to do. You can either choose to assign the shortcut anyway, or cancel the change.
If you made a mistake, and don't want to change that shortcut, press Esc.
You can also remove an existing shortcut from an action. To do this select the line of the action, click on the Shortcut column, and then press Backspace to clear the shortcut.
Note that the categories themselves let you enter a shortcut. However, it will disappear after pressing a key, since a category doesn't have a command attached to it, so it can never be used. Select a command in the desired category before trying to assign a shortcut.
I bunden af dialogen er der en mulighed (markeret som standard), der fortæller GIMP, om den skal Gem tastaturgenveje ved afslutning. Hvis den er aktiveret, vil alle ændrede genveje blive gemt, når du afslutter GIMP. Hvis den er deaktiveret, bliver genvejene kun gemt, hvis du brugte knappen , før du lukkede dialogen.
Nederst i dialogen er tre knapper:
Hjælp: Åbner denne hjælpeside.
Gem: Gemmer alle ændringer til genvejene uden at lukke dialogen
Luk: Lukker dialogen uden at gemme indstillingerne på disken, men alle ændrede genveje vil stadig være aktive, indtil GIMP lukker. Hvad der sker, når GIMP lukker, afhænger af indstillingen Gem tastaturgenveje ved afslutning nævnt ovenfor.