Parte II. How do I Become a
Parte II. How do I Become a
5. Getting Images into GIMP
1. Tipuri de imagini
2. Crearea fișierelor noi
3. Opening Images
6. Getting Images out of GIMP
1. Files
1.1. Save / Export Images
1.2. File Formats
2. Preparing your Images for the Web
2.1. Images with an Optimal Size/Quality Ratio
2.2. Reducing the File Size Even More
2.3. Saving Images with Transparency
7. Painting with GIMP
1. Selecția
1.1. Estompare
1.2. Efectuarea unei selecții parțial transparente
2. Creating and Using Selections
2.1. Moving or Resizing a Selection
2.2. Adding or subtracting selections
3. The Quick Mask
3.1. Prezentare generala
3.2. Proprietăți
3.3. Using Quick Mask Mode
4.1. Path Creation
4.2. Path Properties
4.3. Paths and Selections
4.4. Transforming Paths
4.5. Stroking a Path
4.6. Paths and Text
4.7. Paths and
5. Pensule
5.1. Adding New Brushes
5.2. Creating animated brushes
5.3. Changing brush size
5.4. Creating a brush quickly
6. Degradeuri
7. Modele
8. Palete
8.1. Hartă de culoare
9. Preconfigurări
10. Drawing Simple Objects
10.1. Drawing a Straight Line
10.2. Creating a Basic Shape
8. Combining Images
1. Introducere la straturi
1.1. Proprietățile stratului
2. Moduri straturis
2.1. Normal Layer Modes
2.2. Lighten Layer Modes
2.3. Darken Layer Modes
2.4. Contrast Layer Modes
2.5. Inversion Layer Modes
2.6. HSV Components Layer Modes
2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes
3. Legacy Layer Modes
4. Creating New Layers
5. Grupuri de straturi
9. Text Management
1. Administrare text
1.1. Zonă de text
1.2. Gestionarea stratului text
1.3. Casetă de instrument text
1.4. Meniul contextual text
2. Text
2.1. Adding Fonts
10. Enhancing Photographs
1. Working with Digital Camera Photos
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Improving Composition
1.3. Improving Colors
1.4. Adjusting Sharpness
1.5. Removing Unwanted Objects from an Image
1.6. Saving Your Results
11. Color Management with GIMP
1. Gestionarea culorilor în GIMP
1.1. Probleme pentru fluxul de lucru fără gestionarea culorilor
1.2. Introducere la un flux de lucru cu gestionare de culoare
12. Enrich my GIMP
1. Grile și ghidaje
1.1. Grila de imagini
1.2. Ghidaje
2. Creating Shortcuts to Menu Commands
3. Customize Splash-Screen
13. Scripting and writing plug-ins
1. Plug-Ins
1.1. Introducere
1.2. Using Plug-Ins
1.3. Installing New Plug-Ins
1.4. Writing Plug-ins
2. Utilizarea scripturilor script-fu
2.1. Script-Fu?
2.2. Installing Script-Fu scripts
2.3. De făcut și De evitat
2.4. Diferite tipuri de script-fu
3. A Script-Fu Tutorial
3.1. Getting Acquainted With Scheme
3.2. Variables And Functions
3.3. Lists, Lists And More Lists
3.4. Your First Script-Fu Script
3.5. Adding Additional Functionality
3.6. Extending The Text Box Script
3.7. Your script and its working
4. A Python plug-in writing Tutorial
4.1. The basic elements of a plug-in for GIMP