GNU Image Manipulation Program

GIMP 3.0 User Manual, 02/08/2025

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1. GIMP User Manual Authors and Contributors
I. Getting Started
1. Introduction
1. Welcome to GIMP
1.1. Known Platforms
1.2. History of GIMP
1.3. GIMP's Help system
1.4. Features and Capabilities
2. What's new in GIMP
2. Starting GIMP
1. Rularea GIMP
1.1. Changing the Language
1.2. Argumente pentru linia de comandă
1.3. Configuration Folder
1.4. Tips and Tricks
3. First Steps with GIMP
1. Concepte de bază
2. Ferestre principale
2.1. Trusa cu unelte
2.2. Fereastra imaginii
2.3. Dialoguri și andocare
3. Anularea
3.1. Lucruri care nu pot fi anulate
4. Caracteristici obișnuite
4.1. Intenție
4.2. Modificarea dimensiunii unei imagini pentru ecran
4.3. Modificarea dimensiunii unei imagini pentru imprimare
4.4. Comprimarea imaginilor
4.5. Decuparea unei imagini
4.6. Găsiți informații despre imagine
4.7. Modificarea modului
4.8. Întoarcerea unei imagini
4.9. Rotirea unei imagini
4.10. Separarea unui obiect de fundalul său
4. What to do if you are stuck
1. Introduction
2. Common Causes of GIMP Non-Responsiveness
2.1. There is a floating selection
2.2. The selection is hidden
2.3. You are acting outside the selection
2.4. The active drawable is not visible
2.5. The active drawable is transparent
2.6. You are trying to act outside the layer
2.7. You are trying to act on a layer group
2.8. The image is in indexed color mode.
2.9. No visible effect when trying to use a brush, eraser or other tool
2.10. No visible effect when trying to use the move tool, rotate or other transform tool
2.11. Eraser and brushes no longer work
2.12. Eraser does not make area transparent
2.13. Unexpected colors when trying to use a brush or eraser
2.14. The crop tool leaves an empty area after cropping
2.15. I've been waiting for a long time and GIMP is not responding
2.16. General guidelines on what to check if you are stuck
3. How to fix missing windows and dialogs
3.1. All tool windows are missing
3.2. Tool options dialog is missing
3.3. Some of the tool icons are missing
3.4. The area showing the opened images at the top is missing
4. How to fix problems exporting images
4.1. I am exporting to a jpeg image and my transparent area turned white or black
4.2. I am exporting to a gif image and the colors changed
II. How do I Become a GIMP Wizard?
5. Getting Images into GIMP
1. Tipuri de imagini
2. Crearea fișierelor noi
3. Opening Images
6. Getting Images out of GIMP
1. Files
1.1. Save / Export Images
1.2. File Formats
2. Preparing your Images for the Web
2.1. Images with an Optimal Size/Quality Ratio
2.2. Reducing the File Size Even More
2.3. Saving Images with Transparency
7. Painting with GIMP
1. Selecția
1.1. Estompare
1.2. Efectuarea unei selecții parțial transparente
2. Creating and Using Selections
2.1. Moving or Resizing a Selection
2.2. Adding or subtracting selections
3. The Quick Mask
3.1. Prezentare generala
3.2. Proprietăți
3.3. Using Quick Mask Mode
4. Paths
4.1. Path Creation
4.2. Path Properties
4.3. Paths and Selections
4.4. Transforming Paths
4.5. Stroking a Path
4.6. Paths and Text
4.7. Paths and SVG files
5. Pensule
5.1. Adding New Brushes
5.2. Creating animated brushes
5.3. Changing brush size
5.4. Creating a brush quickly
6. Degradeuri
7. Modele
8. Palete
8.1. Hartă de culoare
9. Preconfigurări
10. Drawing Simple Objects
10.1. Drawing a Straight Line
10.2. Creating a Basic Shape
8. Combining Images
1. Introducere la straturi
1.1. Proprietățile stratului
2. Moduri straturis
2.1. Normal Layer Modes
2.2. Lighten Layer Modes
2.3. Darken Layer Modes
2.4. Contrast Layer Modes
2.5. Inversion Layer Modes
2.6. HSV Components Layer Modes
2.7. LCh Components Layer Modes
3. Legacy Layer Modes
4. Creating New Layers
5. Grupuri de straturi
9. Text Management
1. Administrare text
1.1. Zonă de text
1.2. Gestionarea stratului text
1.3. Casetă de instrument text
1.4. Meniul contextual text
2. Text
2.1. Adding Fonts
2.2. Font Problems
10. Enhancing Photographs
1. Working with Digital Camera Photos
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Improving Composition
1.3. Improving Colors
1.4. Adjusting Sharpness
1.5. Removing Unwanted Objects from an Image
1.6. Saving Your Results
11. Color Management with GIMP
1. Gestionarea culorilor în GIMP
1.1. Probleme pentru fluxul de lucru fără gestionarea culorilor
1.2. Introducere la un flux de lucru cu gestionare de culoare
12. Enrich my GIMP
1. Grile și ghidaje
1.1. Grila de imagini
1.2. Ghidaje
2. Creating Shortcuts to Menu Commands
3. Customize Splash-Screen
13. Scripting and writing plug-ins
1. Plug-Ins
1.1. Introducere
1.2. Using Plug-Ins
1.3. Installing New Plug-Ins
1.4. Writing Plug-ins
2. Utilizarea scripturilor script-fu
2.1. Script-Fu?
2.2. Installing Script-Fu scripts
2.3. De făcut și De evitat
2.4. Diferite tipuri de script-fu
3. A Script-Fu Tutorial
3.1. Getting Acquainted With Scheme
3.2. Variables And Functions
3.3. Lists, Lists And More Lists
3.4. Your First Script-Fu Script
3.5. Adding Additional Functionality
3.6. Extending The Text Box Script
3.7. Your script and its working
4. A Python plug-in writing Tutorial
4.1. The basic elements of a plug-in for GIMP
III. Function Reference
14. Tools
1. The Toolbox
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Tool Icons
1.3. Color and Indicator Area
1.4. Tool Options
2. Selection Tools
2.1. Common Features
2.2. Rectangle Selection
2.3. Ellipse Selection
2.4. Free Selection (Lasso)
2.5. Foreground Select
2.6. Fuzzy Selection (Magic wand)
2.7. Select By Color
2.8. Scissors Select
3. Paint Tools
3.1. Common Features
3.2. Dynamics
3.3. Brush Tools (Pencil, Paintbrush, Airbrush)
3.4. Bucket Fill
3.5. Gradient
3.6. Pencil
3.7. Paintbrush
3.8. Eraser
3.9. Airbrush
3.10. Ink
3.11. MyPaint Brush
3.12. Clone
3.13. Heal
3.14. Perspective Clone
3.15. Blur/Sharpen
3.16. Smudge
3.17. Dodge/Burn
4. Transform Tools
4.1. Common Features
4.2. Align and Distribute
4.3. Move
4.4. Crop
4.5. Rotate
4.6. Scale
4.7. Shear
4.8. Perspective
4.9. 3D Transform
4.10. Unified Transform
4.11. Handle Transform
4.12. Flip
4.13. Cage Transform
4.14. Warp Transform
5. Other Tools
5.1. Overview
5.2. Paths
5.3. Text
5.4. Color Picker
5.5. Measure
5.6. Zoom
5.7. GEGL Operation
15. Dialogs
1. Introducere dialog
2. Dialoguri legate de structura imaginii
2.1. Dialog straturi
2.2. Dialog canale
2.3. Dialog trasee
2.4. Dialogul hartă de culoare
2.5. Histogram Dialog
2.6. Dialog navigare
2.7. Anulare istoric dialog
3. Dialoguri legate de conținut imagine
3.1. Dialog culoare FG/BG
3.2. Dialog peneluri
3.3. MyPaint Brushes Dialog
3.4. Dialog modele
3.5. Dialog degradeuri
3.6. Dialogul palete
3.7. Etichetare
3.8. Dialog fonturi
4. Dialoguri legate de gestionarea imaginilor
4.1. Dialog bufer
4.2. Dialog imagini
4.3. Dialog istoric documente
4.4. Dialog șabloane
5. File related Dialogs
5.1. Open Image
5.2. Import File Formats
5.3. Salvare fișier
5.4. Export fișier
5.5. Export File Formats
5.6. Export Image as GIF
5.7. Export Image as HEIF/HEIC
5.8. Export Image as JPEG
5.9. Export Image as MNG
5.10. Export Image as PNG
5.11. Export Image as TIFF
5.12. Export Image as WebP
6. Preferences Dialog
6.1. Introducere
6.2. System Resources
6.3. Debugging
6.4. Color Management
6.5. Image Import and Export
6.6. Experimental Playground
6.7. Tool Options
6.8. Default Image Preferences
6.9. Default Image Grid
6.10. Interface
6.11. Theme
6.12. Icon Theme
6.13. Trusă cu unelte
6.14. Dialog Defaults
6.15. Help System
6.16. Afișare
6.17. Window Management
6.18. Canvas Interaction
6.19. Canvas Interaction Modifiers
6.20. Canvas Interaction Snapping Behavior
6.21. Image Windows
6.22. Image Window Appearance
6.23. Image Title and Statusbar Format
6.24. Input Devices
6.25. Input Controllers
6.26. Folders
6.27. Data Folders
7. Dialoguri diverse
7.1. Welcome Dialog
7.2. Dialog presetări instrument
7.3. Editor presetare instrument
7.4. Dialog stare dispozitiv
7.5. Consolă de erori
7.6. Tablou de bord
7.7. Dialog puncte de eșantionare
7.8. Dialog indicator
7.9. Symmetry Painting Dialog
7.10. Keyboard Shortcuts Dialog
16. Menus
1. Introducere în Meniuri
1.1. The Main Menu
1.2. Meniuri contextuale
1.3. Meniuri de filă
2. Meniul Fișier
2.1. Prezentare generală
2.2. New…
2.3. Create
2.4. Open…
2.5. Open as Layers…
2.6. Open Location…
2.7. Open Recent
2.8. Save
2.9. Save As…
2.10. Save a Copy…
2.11. Revert
2.12. Export… and Overwrite…
2.13. Export As…
2.14. Create Template…
2.15. Print
2.16. Send by Email
2.17. Copy Image Location
2.18. Show in File Manager
2.19. Close View
2.20. Close All
2.21. Quit
3. Meniul Editare
3.1. Intrările meniului Editare
3.2. Anulare
3.3. Refă
3.4. Anulare istoric
3.5. Taie
3.6. Copiază
3.7. Copiază partea vizibilă
3.8. Lipește
3.9. Lipește în loc
3.10. Lipire ca
3.11. Tampon
3.12. Curăță
3.13. Umplere cu culoare de prim plan
3.14. Umple cu culoare de fundal
3.15. Umple cu un model
3.16. Umplere schiță selecție
3.17. Fill Paths
3.18. Conturare de selecție
3.19. Stroke Paths
3.20. Preferences
3.21. Input Devices
3.22. Scurtături de tastatură
3.23. Module
3.24. Unități
4. Meniul Selectează
4.1. Introducere în meniul Selectează
4.2. Select All
4.3. None
4.4. Invert
4.5. Float
4.6. By Color
4.7. Selection From Paths
4.8. Selection Editor
4.9. Feather
4.10. Sharpen
4.11. Shrink
4.12. Grow
4.13. Border
4.14. Remove Holes
4.15. Distort
4.16. Rounded Rectangle
4.17. Toggle Quick Mask
4.18. Save to Channel
4.19. To Path
5. Meniul Vizualizare
5.1. Introduction to the View Menu
5.2. New View
5.3. Show All
5.4. Dot for Dot
5.5. Zoom
5.6. Flip & Rotate (0°)
5.7. Center Image in Window
5.8. Shrink Wrap
5.9. Full Screen
5.10. Move to Screen
5.11. Navigation Window
5.12. Display Filters
5.13. Color Management
5.14. Color-Manage this View
5.15. Proof Colors
5.16. Display Rendering Intent
5.17. Black Point Compensation
5.18. Mark Out Of Gamut Colors
5.19. As in Preferences
5.20. Show Selection
5.21. Show Layer Boundary
5.22. Show Canvas Boundary
5.23. Show Guides
5.24. Show Grid
5.25. Show Sample Points
5.26. Snap to Guides
5.27. Snap to Grid
5.28. Snap to Canvas
5.29. Snap to Active Path
5.30. Snap to Bounding Boxes
5.31. Snap to Equidistance
5.32. Padding Color
5.33. Show Menubar
5.34. Show Rulers
5.35. Show Scrollbars
5.36. Show Statusbar
6. Meniul Imagine
6.1. Overview
6.2. Duplicate
6.3. Mode Submenu
6.4. RGB mode
6.5. Grayscale mode
6.6. Indexed mode
6.7. Encoding Submenu
6.8. Color Management Submenu
6.9. Use sRGB Profile
6.10. Assign Color Profile
6.11. Convert to Color Profile
6.12. Discard Color Profile
6.13. Save Color Profile to File
6.14. Soft-Proof Profile
6.15. Soft-Proofing Rendering Intent
6.16. Black Point Compensation
6.17. Transform Submenu
6.18. Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
6.19. Rotation
6.20. Canvas Size
6.21. Fit Canvas to Layers
6.22. Fit Canvas to Selection
6.23. Print Size
6.24. Scale Image
6.25. Crop Image
6.26. Slice Using Guides
6.27. Zealous Crop
6.28. Merge Visible Layers
6.29. Flatten Image
6.30. Align Visible Layers…
6.31. Guides Submenu
6.32. New Guide (by Percent)
6.33. New Guide
6.34. New Guides from Selection
6.35. Remove all Guides
6.36. Configure Grid…
6.37. Image Properties
6.38. Metadata Submenu
6.39. Metadata Editor
6.40. Metadata Viewer
7. Meniul Strat
7.1. Introduction to the Layer Menu
7.2. New Layer
7.3. New from Visible
7.4. New Layer Group
7.5. Duplicate layers
7.6. Anchor Floating Layer or Mask
7.7. Merge Down
7.8. Merge Layer Groups
7.9. Delete Layers
7.10. The Text Commands of the Layer Menu
7.11. Discard Text Information
7.12. Text to Path
7.13. Text along Path
7.14. Stack Submenu
7.15. Select Previous Layers
7.16. Select Next Layers
7.17. Select Top Layer
7.18. Select Bottom Layer
7.19. Raise Layers
7.20. Lower Layers
7.21. Layers to Top
7.22. Layers to Bottom
7.23. Reverse Layer Order
7.24. The Mask Submenu
7.25. Add Layer Masks
7.26. Apply Layer Masks
7.27. Delete Layer Masks
7.28. Show Layer Masks
7.29. Edit Layer Mask
7.30. Disable Layer Masks
7.31. Masks to Selection
7.32. Add Masks to Selection
7.33. Subtract Masks from Selection
7.34. Intersect Masks with Selection
7.35. The Transparency Submenu
7.36. Add Alpha Channel
7.37. Remove Alpha Channel
7.38. Color to Alpha
7.39. Semi-Flatten
7.40. Threshold Alpha
7.41. Alpha to Selection
7.42. Add Alpha to Selection
7.43. Subtract Alpha from Selection
7.44. Intersect Alpha with Selection
7.45. The Transform Submenu
7.46. Flip Horizontally
7.47. Flip Vertically
7.48. Rotate 90° clockwise
7.49. Rotate 90° counter-clockwise
7.50. Rotate 180°
7.51. Arbitrary Rotation
7.52. Offset
7.53. Layer Boundary Size
7.54. Layers to Image Size
7.55. Scale Layer
7.56. Resize Layers to Selection
7.57. Crop Layers to Content
8. Meniul Culori
8.1. Introduction to the Colors Menu
8.2. Color Balance
8.3. Color Temperature
8.4. Hue Chroma
8.5. Hue-Saturation
8.6. Saturation
8.7. Exposure
8.8. Shadows-Highlights
8.9. Brightness-Contrast
8.10. Levels
8.11. Curves
8.12. Invert
8.13. Linear Invert
8.14. Value Invert
8.15. The Auto Submenu
8.16. Egalizează
8.17. Balans de alb
8.18. Întindere contrast
8.19. Stretch Contrast HSV
8.20. Îmbunătățire culoare
8.21. The Components Submenu
8.22. Mixer canal
8.23. Extragere componentă
8.24. Mixer mono
8.25. Compunere
8.26. Descompune
8.27. Recompune
8.28. The Desaturate Submenu
8.29. Color la gri
8.30. Desaturare
8.31. Mono Mixer
8.32. Sepia
8.33. The Map Submenu
8.34. Rearanjare paletă de culori
8.35. Stabilește paleta de culori
8.36. Hartă alien
8.37. Schimb de culori
8.38. Rotire culori
8.39. Hartă degrade
8.40. Hartă de paletă
8.41. Exemplu de colorare
8.42. The Tone Mapping Submenu
8.43. Fattal și restul. 2002
8.44. Mantiuk 2006
8.45. Reinhard 2005
8.46. Stres
8.47. Destripe
8.48. Retinex
8.49. The Info Submenu
8.50. Histogramă
8.51. Exportă histogramă
8.52. Culoarea medie a chenarului
8.53. Netezește paleta
8.54. Threshold
8.55. Colorize
8.56. Posterize
8.57. Color to Alpha…
8.58. Dither
8.59. RGB Clip
8.60. Hot…
8.61. Local Threshold
9. Meniul Unelte
9.1. Introducere în meniul Unelte
10. Meniul Filtre
10.1. Introducere în meniul Filtre
10.2. Repetă ultimul
10.3. Re-Show Last
10.4. Restabilește toate filtrele
10.5. The Development Submenu
10.6. Submeniul Python-Fu
10.7. Submeniul Script-Fu
11. Meniul Ferestre
12. Meniul Ajutor
12.1. Introducere în meniul Ajutor
12.2. Ajutor
12.3. Ajutor contextual
12.4. User Manual
12.5. Sfatul zilei
12.6. Welcome Dialog
12.7. Search and Run a Command
12.8. Navigator de module
12.9. Navigatorul de proceduri
12.10. GIMP online
12.11. Despre
17. Filters
1. Introducere
2. Caracteristici obișnuite
3. Filtre neclare
3.1. Introducere
3.2. Focus Blur
3.3. Neclaritate gaussiană
3.4. Lens Blur
3.5. Neclaritate de curbură medie
3.6. Neclaritate mediană
3.7. Pixelează
3.8. Neclaritate selectivă gaussiană
3.9. Variable Blur
3.10. Neclaritate circulară în mișcare
3.11. Neclaritate de mișcare liniară
3.12. Neclaritate în mișcare zoom
3.13. Neclaritate mozaicabilă
4. Îmbunătățirea filtrelor
4.1. Introducere
4.2. Antialias
4.3. Deîntrețesere
4.4. Trece-sus
4.5. Reducerea de zgomot
4.6. Eliminare ochi roșii
4.7. Cel mai apropiat vecin simetric
4.8. Ascute (Mască neascuțită)
4.9. Deparazitare
4.10. Filtru NL
4.11. Descompunere Wavelet
5. Deformarea filtrelor
5.1. Introducere
5.2. Aplicare lentile
5.3. Embosare
5.4. Gravare
5.5. Distorsiuni lentile
5.6. Kaleidoscope
5.7. Mozaic
5.8. Hârtie de ziar
5.9. Coordonate polare
5.10. Undă
5.11. Decalaj
5.12. Sferizează
5.13. Valoare propagată
5.14. Degradare video
5.15. Valuri
5.16. Vârtej și prindere
5.17. Vânt
5.18. Jaluzele
5.19. Curbare
5.20. Pagină răsucită
6. Filtre de lumină și umbră
6.1. Introduction
6.2. Bloom
6.3. Supernova
6.4. Lens Flare
6.5. Gradient Flare
6.6. Lighting Effects
6.7. Sparkle
6.8. Drop Shadow
6.9. Long Shadow
6.10. Vignette
6.11. Drop Shadow (legacy)
6.12. Perspective
6.13. Xach-Effect
6.14. Bevel
6.15. Inner Glow
7. Filtre de zgomot
7.1. Introducere
7.2. Zgomot CIE Ich
7.3. Zgomot HSV
7.4. Aruncare
7.5. Culege
7.6. Zgomot RGB
7.7. Pătare
7.8. Răspândire
8. Filtre detectoare de margini
8.1. Introducere
8.2. Diferențe gaussiene
8.3. Margine
8.4. Laplace
8.5. Neon
8.6. Sobel
8.7. Degrade imagine
9. Filtre generice
9.1. Introducere
9.2. Matricea de convoluție
9.3. Hartă de distanță
9.4. Hartă normală
9.5. Dilată
9.6. Erodează
9.7. GEGL Graph
9.8. Text Styling
10. Combină filtrele
10.1. Introducere
10.2. Combinare pe adâncime
10.3. Diafilm
11. Filtre artistice
11.1. Introduction
11.2. Apply Canvas
11.3. Cartoon
11.4. Cubism
11.5. Glass Tile
11.6. Oilify
11.7. Photocopy
11.8. Simple Linear Iterative Clustering (SLIC)
11.9. Softglow
11.10. Waterpixels
11.11. Clothify
11.12. GIMPressionist
11.13. Van Gogh (LIC)
11.14. Weave
12. Filtre de decor
12.1. Introducere
12.2. Adăugare înclinare
12.3. Adaugă bordură
12.4. Ceață
12.5. Bordură difuză
12.6. Fotografie veche
12.7. Colțuri rotunjite
12.8. Diapozitiv
12.9. Stain
12.10. Șablon de sculptură
12.11. Șablon de crom
13. Filtre pentru hartă
13.1. Introducere
13.2. Hartă embosare
13.3. Înlocuire
13.4. Urmă fractal
13.5. Iluzie
13.6. Little Planet
13.7. Panorama Projection
13.8. Recursive Transform
13.9. Bucățele de hârtie
13.10. Dale fără îmbinare
13.11. Cartografiere pe un obiect
13.12. Small Tiles
13.13. Dale
13.14. Warp
14. Filtre de randare
14.1. Introduction
14.2. Flame
14.3. Fractal Explorer
14.4. IFS Fractal
14.5. Cell Noise
14.6. Perlin Noise
14.7. Plasma
14.8. Simplex Noise
14.9. Solid Noise
14.10. Difference Clouds
14.11. Bayer Matrix
14.12. Checkerboard
14.13. Diffraction Patterns
14.14. Grid
14.15. Linear Sinusoid
14.16. Maze
14.17. Sinus
14.18. Spiral
14.19. Checkerboard (legacy)
14.20. CML Explorer
14.21. Grid (legacy)
14.22. Jigsaw
14.23. Qbist
14.24. Circuit
14.25. Gfig
14.26. Lava
14.27. Line Nova
14.28. Sphere Designer
14.29. Spyrogimp
15. Filtre web
15.1. Introducere
15.2. Image Map
15.3. Semi-aplatizare
16. Filtre de animaţie
16.1. Introducere
16.2. Amestec
16.3. Arsură
16.4. Optimizare
16.5. Redare
16.6. Clipocit
16.7. Glob rotitor
16.8. Valuri
I. Keys and Mouse Reference
File — Key reference for the File menu
Edit — Key reference for Edit menu
Select — Key reference for Select menu
View — Key reference for View menu
Image — Key reference for Image menu
Layers — Key reference for Layer menu
Tools — Key reference for the Tools menu
Filters — Key reference for Filters menu
Windows — Key reference for Windows menu
Help — Key reference for Help menu
Zoom tool — Key reference for the Zoom tool
A. Raportarea defectelor și solicitarea îmbunătățirilor
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3. Anexe
4. Lucrul în Windows
C. Tone Mapping and Shadow Recovery Using GIMP’s ColorsExposure…
1. High bit depth GIMP’s floating point Exposure operation: much better than Curves for lightening the shadows and midtones of an image without blowing the highlights
2. A step-by-step example showing how to recover shadow information using high bit depth GIMP’s floating point ColorsExposure… operation
3. Utilizează notițe
4. Concluzie
D. Licența de documentație liberă GNU
12. ADDENDUM: Cum se utilizează această licență pentru documentele dumneavoastră
E. Eeek! There is Missing Help