2.3. Criar

The commands in this submenu vary somewhat, depending upon your system, since GIMP makes calls to system functions.

2.3.1. Activating the Submenu

You can access this submenu from the main menu through FileCreate.

2.3.2. Da área de transferência

When you copy a selection, it goes into the clipboard. Use FileCreateFrom Clipboard or press Shift+Ctrl+V to create a new image from the content in the clipboard.

This command has the same action as the Paste as New Image command.

A tecla Print Screen do teclado captura a tela e coloca-a na área de transferência. Este comando tem a mesma ação que Capturar a tela inteira na janela de diálogo de Captura de tela. A combinação de teclado Alt+Print Screen captura a visualização da janela ativa na tela com as suas decorações e coloca-a na área de transferência.

2.3.3. Capturas de tela

Figura 16.5. A janela de Captura de tela

A janela de “Captura de tela”

[Nota] Nota

The Screenshot dialog may look different depending on your operating system. For example, on a Linux system which implements the XDG portal specification, the screenshot dialog provided by your operating system may get opened instead of GIMP's built-in dialog described in this section.

The Screenshot… command opens a dialog with the following options:

Shoot area
Capturar uma única janela

The mouse pointer becomes a cross. Click in the image window you want to capture. A new image is created.

Capturar a tela inteira

Isso é útil, por exemplo, se você quiser capturar um menu flutuante. O atraso é necessário para que você tenha tempo de clicar nos menus e navegar até o ponto desejado.

Selecionar uma região da tela

The mouse pointer becomes a cross. Click and drag to create a rectangular selection in the image window. This selection will be opened as a new image. Its size is adapted to the selection size. Note: this setting is not available on Windows.

Include window decoration

If the Include window decoration option is unchecked, the title bar and the frame around the image will be removed.

Include mouse pointer

Se a opção Incluir ponteiro do mouseestiver marcada, então o ponteiro do mouse também é capturado. O ponteiro do mouse é capturado em uma camada separada. Assim, você pode movê-lo para outro lugar na imagem se desejar.

Selection delay

The seconds to let pass until you select the shoot area.

Screenshot delay

Ao fazer uma captura de tela da tela inteira, a captura acontece após esse atraso. Nos outros casos, o ponteiro do mouse se transforma em uma cruz após esse atraso.

Color Profile

Select whether to Tag image with monitor profile or to Convert image with sRGB to GIMP's built-in sRGB color space. See Seção 6.8, “Color Management Submenu” for more information.

[Nota] Nota

Due to a software bug, GIMP may assign an incorrect color profile to screenshots.

2.3.4. Scanner/Camera

This item is present in Windows operating system, using TWAIN. Image input devices appear in the dialog, if they are plugged-in. On Linux, you need to install third-party XSane plug-in which will be available in the FileCreateXSaneDevice dialog… menu.

Figura 16.6. Scanner e câmera

Scanner e câmera

The kinds of devices used to take pictures are too varied to be described here. Fortunately, their use is fairly intuitive. In the example shown (under Windows 7), you can start a scanner or load an image from a camera card.