10. Gradients

图 7.22. Some examples of GIMP gradients.

Some examples of GIMP gradients.

Gradients from top to bottom: FG to BG (RGB); Full saturation spectrum; Nauseating headache; Browns; Four bars

A gradient is a set of colors arranged in a linear order. The most basic use of gradients is by the Gradient tool, sometimes known as gradient fill tool: it works by filling the selection with colors from a gradient. You have many options to choose from for controlling the way the gradient colors are arranged within the selection. There are also other important ways to use gradients, including:




This filter is in the Colors menu, and allows you to colorize an image, using the color intensity of each point with the corresponding color from the active gradient (the intensity 0, very dark, is replaced by the color at most left end of the gradient, progressively until the intensity is 255, very light, replaced by the most right color of the gradient. See 第 8.39 节 “Gradient Map” for more information.




GIMP提供的渐变存储在系统gradients文件夹中。默认情况下,您创建的渐变存储在您的私人GIMP目录中的gradients文件夹 中。在这些文件夹之一中找到的任何渐变文件(以扩展名.ggr结尾 ),将在您启动GIMP时自动加载。如果需要,您可以在首选项对话框的数据文件夹页面的渐变选项卡中,向渐变搜索路径添加更多文件夹。

GIMP can also load gradient files in SVG format, used by many vector graphics programs. To make GIMP load an SVG gradient file, all you need to do is place it in the gradients folder of your personal GIMP directory, or any other folder in your gradient search path.

[提示] 提示

您可以在网络上找到大量有趣的 SVG 渐变,特别是在 OpenClipArt 渐变 [OPENCLIPART-GRADIENT]。除非您的浏览器支持 SVG,否则您将无法看到这些渐变的外观,但这不会阻止您下载它们。