12.10. Stencil Carve

12.10.1. Overview

Obrázek 17.269. Example for the Stencil Carve filter

Example for the „Stencil Carve“ filter

Original image

Example for the „Stencil Carve“ filter

Stencil Carve applied

This filter works with two images, source and target. The source image must be a grayscale image containing a single layer and no Alpha channel. This layer is used as selection mask and will work as stencil for the carving effect. The image to be carved (the target image) can be an RGB color or grayscale image, also with a single layer. This target image must have the same size as the source image.

12.10.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersDecorStencil Carve….

[Tip] Tip

If this command remains disabled although the image is grayscale, check for an Alpha channel and delete it.

12.10.3. Options

Obrázek 17.270. Stencil Carve options

„Stencil Carve“ options

Obrázek, který vyřezat

Here you may select the target image, i.e. the image the carving effect is applied to. The drop-down list will show you a list of opened images which may be carved.

Vyřezat bílé oblasti

If checked (default), the source image is used as stencil as described above. If unchecked, the inverted source image is used as stencil, e.g.:

Obrázek 17.271. Engraving Masks

Engraving Masks

Normal mask

Engraving Masks

Inverted mask

In the example below, the source is a grayscale image. The target is an image with a wood pattern.

On the left, Carve white areas is enabled. The pixels of the target image corresponding to white pixels in the stencil (around the text) have been carved. The result is an embossed text.

On the right, Carve white areas is disabled. The pixels of the target image corresponding to the black pixels in the stencil (the text) have been carved. The result is a hollow text.

Obrázek 17.272. Example for Carve white areas

Example for „Carve white areas“

White areas carved

Example for „Carve white areas“


Example for „Carve white areas“

Black areas carved

Information about the many layers created by this filter can be found in [GROKKING].