9. Ændr penselstørrelsen

Alle penslers størrelse kan ændres.

9.1. Sådan ændres penslens størrelse

Du kan ændre penslens størrelse på flere måder:

  • Using the Size slider in the tool options. Pencil, Paintbrush, Eraser, Airbrush, Clone, Heal, Perspective Clone, Blur/Sharpen and Dodge/Burn tools have a slider to vary the brush size.

  • Ved brug af standardgenvejstasterne til ændring af et værktøjs størrelse:

    • Decrease size by 1: [

    • Increase size by 1: ]

    • Decrease size by 10: {

    • Increase size by 10: }

  • Ved brug af musens rullehjul til ændring af et værktøjs størrelse:

    • Formindsk størrelsen med 1: Ctrl+Alt+rullehjul ned

    • Forøg størrelsen med 1: Ctrl+Alt+rullehjul op

  • By configuring the mouse wheel behavior in the Input Controllers preferences:

    1. I GIMPs hovedvindue klikkes på RedigérIndstillinger.

    2. I venstre side i det nye vindue vælges InputenhederInputstyreenheder.

    3. The Additional Input Controllers preferences are displayed with two columns: Available Controllers and Active Controllers.

      I kolonnen Aktive styreenheder dobbeltklikkes på linjen Main Mouse Wheel.

    4. The Configure Input Controller dialog opens.

      In the left column Event, select the entry Scroll Up.

    5. Click the Edit event button (at the bottom middle of the list).

    6. The Select Controller Event Action dialog opens.

      In the Action column, expand the tools item.

    7. In the left column Action, select Tool's Size: Increase Relative, then click the OK button.

    8. Now the Scroll Up event is associated with the action tools-size-increase-percent.

    9. Luk vinduet.

    10. With the same method, configure Scroll Down to be associated with Tool's Size: Decrease Relative.

    11. Click the OK button of the main window of Preferences.

    After these somewhat long explanations, you can use your mouse wheel to vary brush size. For example, choose the pencil tool with the Circle brush. Set the pointer in the image window, and use the mouse wheel in both directions to see the Circle shrinking or stretching.

  • By configuring the behavior of the Up and Down arrow keys of the keyboard:

    Metoden er meget lig den til musehjulet. Forskellen er:

    • In the column Active Controllers, double-click Main Keyboard.

    • In the column Event, edit the entry Cursor Up for the first key, and Cursor Down for the second key.

    • Then, use the Up and Down arrow keys of the keyboard. The result is the same as with the mouse wheel.