14.17. Sinus

14.17.1. Overview

17.360. ábra - Applying example for the Sinus filter

Applying example for the Sinus filter

Filter Sinus applied

You can find this filter from the main menu through FiltersRenderPatternSinus….

The Sinus filter lets you make sinusoidally based textures, which look rather like watered silk or maybe plywood. This plug-in works by using two different colors that you can define in the Colors tab. These two colors then create wave patterns based on a sine function.

You can set the X and Y scales, which determine how stretched or packed the texture will be. You can also set the Complexity of the function: a high value creates more interference or repetition in the pattern. An example is shown below.

Results don't depend on the image you opened.

14.17.2. Options

17.361. ábra - Sinus filter options (Settings)

„Sinus” filter options (Settings)

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view
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These options are described in 2. szakasz - Common Features.

X scale, Y scale

A low X/Y value will maximize the horizontal/vertical stretch of the texture, whereas a high value will compress it.


This controls how the two colors interact with each other (the amount of interplay or repetition).

Random seed, New Seed

This option controls the randomness of the filter. The Random seed box lets you manually enter a seed for the randomization algorithm used. You can also generate a random seed by pressing the New Seed button. If the same random seed is used in the same situation, the filter produces exactly the same results. A different random seed produces different results.

Force tiling

If you check this, you'll get a pattern that can be used for tiling. For example, you can use it as a background in an HTML page, and the tile edges will be joined seamlessly.


This options give additional control of the interaction between the two colors.

Color 1, Color 2

Here, you set the two colors that make up your texture. Default colors are yellow and blue.

Blend Mode

You can choose between three functions to set the shapes of the waves that are produced: Linear, Bilinear and Sinusoidal.


The Exponent controls which of the two colors is dominant, and how dominant it is. If you set the exponent to -7.5, the left color will dominate totally, and if you set it to +7.5 it will be the other way around. A zero value is neutral.