5.15. 波...

5.15.1. 概観

図17.92 波フィルターの適用例




Filter Waves applied with default options and period = 20.0

波... フィルターは静かな水面に石を投げ入れたときに起こる同心円状の波紋のような効果を画像に与えます。 波紋の中心は常にレイヤーの中心です。

5.15.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersDistortsWaves….

5.15.3. オプション

図17.93 フィルターのオプション


Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, プレビュー, Merge filter, Split view
[注記] 注記

These options are described in 「Common Features」.

Center X, Center Y

Move the center of the waves


Varies the height of the waves.


That is wavelength. Varies the distance between the top of waves.

The high default value suits large images. For images of some hundreds pixels wide and high, a lower value, such as 20 in our example, fits better.


This command shifts the top of the ripple.

Aspect ratio

Values less than 1.00 render waves oval, with major axis vertical. Values higher than 1.00 give a major axis horizontal.

Resampling method

These interpolation methods are described in 補間アルゴリズム.

Clamp deformation

This limits the deformation in the image area. When this is disabled you seem to get transparent or black areas (depending on whether the layer has an alpha channel or not). When enabled, these areas will keep their normal color.