6.20. Comportament d'ajustament de la interacció del llenç

Figura 15.90. Preferències de comportament de l'ajust

Preferències de comportament de l'ajust

This page allows you to customize the default settings for snapping in an image. These settings can be set separately for working in normal mode and in fullscreen mode.

All settings in this section can be overridden by the commands in the View menu.

6.20.1. Activeu el diàleg

The preferences dialog can be accessed from the main menu, through EditPreferences.

6.20.2. Opcions

The following snap settings can be adjusted. We link to the documentation in the View menu for details about each setting.

Snapping distance is the activation distance of snapping, in pixels. That is, how close an object needs to be for snapping to happen. The default value is 8 pixels, allowed values are in the range of 1-255.