3.10. Paste as

This command pastes the clipboard contents. Of course, you must use the Copy command before, so that you have something in the clipboard.

There is no way to empty the clipboard.

The submenu offers several ways to paste the clipboard contents:

3.10.1. Paste as Single Layer

The Paste as Single Layer command creates a new layer in the active image and pastes the clipboard contents into it.

If the data are not rectangular or square in shape, any regions that do not extend to the edge of the canvas are left transparent (an Alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to copy your selection before you use this command. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Single Layer.

3.10.2. Paste As Single Layer In Place

The Paste as Single Layer In Place command creates a new layer in the active image and pastes the clipboard contents at exact coordinates the contents was originally copied from.

This feature is available for both the regular clipboard and named buffers. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Single Layer In Place.

3.10.3. Paste as New Image

The Paste As New Image command creates a new image and pastes the image data from the Clipboard into it. If the data is not rectangular or square in shape, any regions outside the selection are left transparent (an alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to copy your selection before you use this command, so that you get an image with the same dimensions as the selection.

This command has the same action as the FileCreateFrom Clipboard command. Activating the Command
  • You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as New Image,

  • or by using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+V .

3.10.4. Paste as Floating Data

The Paste as Floating Data command creates a floating selection in the active image and pastes the clipboard contents into it.

If the data are not rectangular or square in shape, any regions that do not extend to the edge of the canvas are left transparent (an Alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to copy your selection before you use this command. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Floating Data.

3.10.5. Paste as Floating Data In Place

The Paste as Floating Data In Place command creates a floating selection in the active image and pastes the clipboard contents into it at the exact location the contents was originally copied from.

If the data are not rectangular or square in shape, any regions that do not extend to the edge of the canvas are left transparent (an Alpha channel is automatically created). Of course, you have to copy your selection before you use this command. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Floating Data In Place.

3.10.6. Paste as Floating Data Into Selection

The Paste as Floating Data Into Selection command replaces the contents of the current selection with the contents of the clipboard and turns it into a floating selection.

The clipboard data is clipped by the selection, but the image data in it can still be moved if it extends outside the selection.

If no selection exists, the Paste as Floating Data Into Selection command places the data from the clipboard into the center of the canvas, as the Paste command does. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Floating Data Into Selection.

3.10.7. Paste as Floating Data Into Selection In Place

The Paste as Floating Data Into Selection In Place command replaces the contents of the current selection with the contents of the clipboard, at the exact coordinates the contents was originally copied from, and turns it into a floating selection.

The clipboard data is clipped by the selection, but the image data in it can still be moved if it extends outside the selection.

If no selection exists, the Paste as Floating Data Into Selection In Place command places the data from the clipboard into the center of the canvas, as the Paste command does. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as Floating Data Into Selection In Place.

3.10.8. Paste as New Brush

This command opens a dialog window which lets you name the new brush. The brush appears in the Brushes dialog. Options

16.10. ábra - The New Brushdialog

The „New Brush”dialog

Brush name

Brush name is the name as it will be in the Brushes Dialog.

File name

The new brush is saved as File name (with extension .gbr) in your personal brushes folder.


Spacing: When the brush draws a line, it actually stamps the brush icon repeatedly. If brush stamps are very close, you get the impression of a solid line. Activating the Command
  • You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as New Brush….

3.10.9. Paste as New Pattern

This command opens a dialog window which allows you to name your new pattern. The pattern appears in the Patterns dialog. Options

16.11. ábra - The New Patterndialog

The „New Pattern”dialog

Pattern name

Pattern name is the name as it will be in the Patterns Dialog.

File name

The new pattern is saved as File name (with extension .pat) in your personal patterns folder. Activating the Command

You can access this command from the main menu through EditPaste asPaste as New Pattern….