5.5. 定規

The Measure Tool is used to gain knowledge about pixel distances in your working image. By clicking and dragging the mouse button, you can determine the angle and number of pixels between the point of click and where the mouse pointer is located. The information is displayed on the status bar or can also be displayed in the Info Window.

A common use case for Measure is to calculate the angle of rotation when horizon is uneven on a photo. To rotate in order to straighten the horizon, click the Straighten button after measuring the angle.

This button can be used in straightening horizontal or vertical lines up: the starting point comes with a small bar that shows the direction.

計測の端点にマウスポインターを再びかざすと、 ポインターに移動の印がつきます。 そこでクリックしてドラッグすれば端点を移動でき、 もう一方の端点を再利用して計測を再開できます。

5.5.1. ステータスバー

得られた情報は画像ウィンドウ底部の ステータスバー につぎのように表示されます。

  • 始点とマウスポインターの現在地との距離がピクセル単位で表示されます。

  • [既定の場合は]各象限内での角度が 0 度から 90 度の間で表示されます。

  • ( x × y ) のように表示された値は両端点間の距離の x 成分 (水平方向) と y 成分 (垂直方向) をピクセル単位で表しています。

5.5.2. 呼び出し方

There are different possibilities to activate the tool:

  • From the main menu: ToolsMeasure.

  • By clicking the tool icon in the Toolbox.

5.5.3. Key modifiers


While holding down the Shift key, click and drag from an existing endpoint to create a second measurement line from this endpoint. The angle between the two lines will be displayed. Any endpoint can be moved by clicking and dragging. So, you can measure any angle on the image:

図14.137 Shift modifier

Shift modifier

Click on start point and drag following a side of the angle.

Shift modifier

Then, Shift-click on start point and drag following the other side of the angle: you get the value of this particular angle.


このキーを押している間はこのツールで表示できる直線の傾斜角度が限定されます。 全方位を 24 分割した 15 度刻みの方向 (垂直や水平を含む) のうちで、 差し示した方向に最も近い角度だけを利用できます。

Ctrl key pressed and click on an end point creates a horizontal guide. The mouse pointer goes with the icon.

In Horizontal or Vertical Orientation modes, Ctrl also toggles between Horizontal and Vertical.


Alt key and click on an end point creates a vertical guide.




5.5.4. オプション

図14.138 ツールオプションダイアログ


Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool. If they are not, you can access them from the main menu through WindowsDockable WindowsTool Options which opens the option window of the selected tool. The available tool options can also be accessed by double clicking the corresponding tool icon in the Toolbox.

Orientation (Ctrl)

In the Auto mode (default), Straighten will snap to the smallest angle between the measure line and the vertical or horizontal direction. Horizontal and Vertical allow to override this behavior by specifying explicitly what it should be.


This option will display an Info Window dialog that details the measure tool results. The results are more complete than on the status bar.


Transform, Interpolation, and Clipping are treated in 「オプション」. Here is an example for straightening a path:

Original image

Draw path

Make path visible

Draw measure line on the segment you want to straighten


図14.139 Straighten clipping options

「Straighten」 clipping options

Draw measure line

「Straighten」 clipping options

Straighten with Adjust option

「Straighten」 clipping options

Straighten with Clip option

「Straighten」 clipping options

Straighten with Crop to result option

「Straighten」 clipping options

Straighten with Crop with aspect option

Straighten: click on this button to perform straightening.

5.5.5. 面積を計測

定規ツールには面積を計測する機能はありません。 代わりに選択範囲の面積が ヒストグラム では総ピクセル数として得られます。