14.9. Pevný šum

14.9.1. Overview

Obrázek 17.345. Example of turbulent solid noise

Example of turbulent solid noise

Filter Solid noise applied

Solid Noise is a great texture maker. Note that this noise is always gray, even if you applied it to a very colorful image (it doesn't matter what the original image looks like -- this filter completely overwrites any existing background in the layer it is applied to). This is also a good tool to create displacement maps for the Warp transform tool or for the Bump Map filter. With the "turbulence" setting active, the results look quite a bit like real clouds.

14.9.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersRenderNoiseSolid noise….

14.9.3. Options

Obrázek 17.346. Solid Noise filter options

„Solid Noise“ filter options

Presets, Input Type, Clipping, Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view
[Poznámka] Poznámka

These options are described in 2 – „Common Features“.

X size, Y size

Určuje měřítko šumu ve vodorovném (X) a svislém (Y) směru (v rozsahu 0.1 až 16.0).


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Hnízdo náhodných čísel, Nové hnízdo

This option controls the randomness of the filter. The Random seed box lets you manually enter a seed for the randomization algorithm used. You can also generate a random seed by pressing the New Seed button. If the same random seed is used in the same situation, the filter produces exactly the same results. A different random seed produces different results.