3.21. Stroke Paths

The Stroke Paths… command strokes a path in the image. There are two ways you can stroke the path, either by using a paint tool, or without using one. There are various options which you can use to specify how this stroke should look.

[Poznámka] Poznámka

This command is active only if there is a path in your image.

3.21.1. Activating the Command

  • You can access this command from the main menu through EditStroke Paths….

  • You can also access it by clicking on the button with the same name in the Paths Dialog.

3.21.2. Volby

Obrázek 16.17. Volby


The Choose Stroke Style dialog box allows you to choose between stroking the path with the options you specify or stroking it with a paint tool. If you stroke the path with a paint tool, the current paint tool options are used to draw the stroke.

Stroke line

Cesta se vykreslí čárou s nastavitelnými parametry, bez použití kreslícího nástroje. Čára je barvy popředí (nastavené v Panelu nástrojů).

Šířka čáry

Šířku čáry lze v přírůstkovém poli nastavit přímým zadáním hodnoty nebo pomocí šipek. Výchozí jednotkou jsou pixely, ale z rozbalovací nabídky lze zvolit i jiné jednotky.

Solid color / Pattern

Lze zvolit mezi stylem Jednobarevná (bude použita barva popředí) a Vzorek (bude použit aktivní vzorek z Panelu nástrojů).

Line Style

This drop-list brings some detailed options:

  • Cap Style: You can choose the shape of the ends of an unclosed path, which can be Butt, Round or Square.

  • Join Style: You can choose the shape of the path corners by clicking on Miter, Round or Bevel.

  • Miter limit: When two segments of a path come together, the mitering of the corner is determined by the Miter Limit. If the strokes were wide, and no mitering were done, there would be pointed ends sticking out at the corner. The Miter Limit setting determines how the gap, formed when the outer edges of the two lines are extended, will be filled. You can set it to a value between 0.0 and 100.0, by using the slider or the associated text box and its arrows.

    Obrázek 16.18. Limit ostrosti

    Limit ostrosti

    Left: Limit=0; Right: Limit=5;

  • Dash Pattern: On the pixel level, a dashed line is drawn as a series of tiny boxes. You can modify the pattern of these boxes. The black area with thin vertical lines represents the pixels of the dash. If you click on a black pixel, you remove it from the dash. If you click on a white pixel, you add it to the dash. The gray areas indicate how the pattern will be repeated when a dashed line is drawn.

  • Dash Preset: Instead of making your own dash pattern, you can choose one from the drop-down box. This pattern will then be displayed in the Dash pattern area, so you can get an idea of how it will look.

  • Anti-aliasing: Curved strokes or strokes drawn at an angle may look jagged or stair-stepped. The anti-aliasing option smooths them out.

Vykreslit pomocí kreslícího nástroje
Kreslící nástroj

Z rozbalovací nabídky můžete zvolit kreslící nástroj, kterým bude cesta vykreslena. Budou použity všechny jeho aktuálně nastavené volby.

Emulate Brush Dynamics

See Brush Dynamics.