8.29. Color to Gray

This color to grayscale conversion uses envelopes formed with the so-called STRESS approach to perform local-difference preserving grayscale generation.

8.29.1. Activating the Command

  • You can access this command from the main menu through ColorsDesaturateColor to Gray.

8.29.2. Options

Şekil 16.174. Color to Gray settings

“Color to Gray” settings


Presets are a common feature for several Colors commands. You can find its description in Kısım 8.1.1, “Colors Common Features”.


Neighborhood taken into account, this is the radius in pixels taken into account when deciding which colors map to which gray values.


Number of samples to do per iteration looking for the range of colors.


Number of iterations, a higher number of iterations provides less noisy results at a computational cost.

Enhance Shadows

When enabled details in shadows are boosted at the expense of noise.

Blending Options, Preview, Merge filter, Split view

These are common features described in Kısım 8.1.1, “Colors Common Features”.