The Color dialog lets you manage and pick up new colors. You can use it in several different modes. It also offers a color picker to select a color anywhere on your screen.
El diálogo funciona tanto en el color de primer plano como en el de fondo.
Este diálogo es un diálogo acoplable; consulte la Sección 2.3, “Diálogos y acoplables” para obtener ayuda sobre su uso.
Puede acceder:
from the main menu:
→ → ;
from the Tab menu in any dockable dialog by clicking the
tab menu button
and selecting
→ ,
from the toolbox: click on the current Foreground or Background color.
In the detached windows which exists only if at least one dialog remains open. In this case, you can raise the “Colors” dialog from the main menu: → .
menu, there is a list ofThe dialog offers a number of different color selector modes at the top:
Con el selector de color de GIMP, selecciona un color pulsando sobre la tira unidimensional situada en el borde derecho y después en el área bidimensional situada a la izquierda. La tira unidimensional puede codificar cualquiera de los parámetros H, S, V, R, G o B, determinado por el botón adjunto presionado. El área bidimensional codifica los parámetros de los dos colores complementarios.
Obtiene este selector pulsando sobre el icono de impresora. La vista CMYK le proporciona la posibilidad de gestionar los colores del modelo de color CMYK.
This selector is a little different than the other models. The principle consists in changing the current foreground color by clicking in the rectangular palette. If the current foreground color is for example white, then it turns reddish by clicking in the red color area. Repeated clicking strengthens the effect. With the slider, which is next to the color palette, you can set the color quantity per mouse click. The higher the sliding control is, the more color is taken up per click.
Este selector usa el modo de color comentado en la HSV . Pulse en el círculo cromático y arrastre el puntero del ratón para seleccionar el tono. Pulse y arrastre en el triángulo para variar intuitivamente la saturación (verticalmente) y el valor (horizontalmente).
This color selector brings up a list of the colors of the current palette in the Palettes dialog. You can set GIMP's foreground or background colors by clicking on colors in the colors display. You can also use the arrow keys to move within the list of colors.
Este selector muestra una vista global de los canales R, G, B y de los valores H, S, V, situados en los deslizadores.
At the bottom, further options and tools are available:
The symbol consisting of two arrows allows you to exchange the foreground and background color. At the bottom left of this icon, below the foreground color block, you find a switching surface with two small, one black and the other white, partially overlapping squares. If you click on these, the front and background color are reset to black and white respectively.
The color picker has a completely different behavior than the color picker tool. Instead of picking the colors from the active image, you're able to pick colors from the entire screen.
La desventaja es que obtiene colores después de ser procesados por la pila de colores del sistema completo, en particular la gestión del color. Significa que los valores de color resultantes pueden terminar siendo diferentes de los devueltos por la Herramienta recoge-color al elegir sobre el lienzo. Depende del usuario tomar una decisión informada sobre qué selector de color utilizar.
This is a text field with six characters. See HTML notation. You can also use the CSS keywords; enter the first letter of a color to get a list of colors with their keyword:
Right-clicking in the HTML Notation text box opens a context menu that allows you to edit your notation, particularly to paste a complex notation you have copied elsewhere.
Twelve buttons at the bottom show the last used colors. You may choose a color by clicking on one of these buttons or add the current foreground or background color to this history list.