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Avertissement |
The GIF file format does not support some basic image properties such as partial transparency and print resolution. GIMP also only supports exporting with a maximum of 256 colors. For best results, set your image to indexed mode when you intend to export to GIF. If you care for these properties, use a different file format like PNG. |
L’entrelacement permet à une image de page Web de s’afficher progressivement lors du chargement, ce qui peut être utile avec un connexion lente, parce que vous pouvez interrompre le chargement d’images sans intérêt.
Les commentaires GIF n’acceptent que des caractères ASCII en 7-bit. Si vous utilisez un autre type de caractère, GIMP enregistrera l’image sans commentaire et vous en informera.
When working on an animation, the name of the layer can be used to specify certain parameters. For more details see exporting animations.
Note: exporting a GIF animation does not support layer groups.
When this option is checked, the image will be exported as an animation. Note that this option will be disabled (and the animation options will not be visible) if the image has only one layer.
You can set how many times the animation will repeat before it stops. This value is ignored if Loop forever is checked.
Quand cette option est cochée, l’animation reprendra sans cesse au début jusqu’à ce que vous l’interrompiez.
You can set the delay, in milliseconds, between frames if it has not been set before. In this case, you can modify every delay in the Layers dialog. Note that some operating systems and applications may override with a lower frame rate due to computer speed, performance, or other technical limitations.
If this has not been set before, you can set how frames will be superimposed. You can select among three options:
Peu importe : Option à utiliser si tous vos calques sont opaques. Les calques écraseront ce qui est dessous.
Cumulative layers (combine): previous frames will not be deleted when a new one is displayed.
Une image par calque (remplace) : lors de l’affichage d’une nouvelle image du film, les précédentes seront effacées
The Delay between frames when unspecified value will be used for all frames.
The Frame disposal when unspecified value will be used for all frames.