5.3. Enregistrer

The Save command saves your image to disk in XCF format. For other image file formats you should use the Export command. If you try to save to a format other than XCF, you get an error message. The error message dialog contains a link that opens the Export Image dialog. Please see Section 1.1, « Enregistrer / Exporter des images ».

If you have already saved the image, the previous image file is replaced with the current version. If you have not already saved the image, the Save command opens the Save Image dialog.

If you quit without having saved your image, GIMP asks you if you really want to do so.

Figure 15.59. Le dialogue Enregistrer l’image

Le dialogue Enregistrer l’image

5.3.1. Accès au dialogue

  • You can access this command in the main menu through FileSave,

  • ou depuis le clavier en utilisant le raccourci Ctrl+S.

  • Utilisez : Ctrl+Maj+S pour enregistrer l’image ouverte sous un nom différent.

5.3.2. Le dialogue Enregistrer l’image

In the file browser, you can edit filename and extension directly in the Name field (default is « Untitled.xcf ») or by selecting an existing XCF file to override in name list. Navigate the folders if you prefer a different image destination. You can also create a new folder if necessary.

Sélectionner le type de fichier.  If you expand this option, you can select a compressed file format for your XCF file in the list.