9.6. Erodieren

9.6.1. Wirkungsweise

Abbildung 17.187. Applying example for the Erode filter

Applying example for the Erode filter


Applying example for the Erode filter

Filter Erode applied

Dieses Filter erweitert und verbessert die dunklen Bereiche der aktiven Ebene oder einer im Bild vorhandenen Auswahl.

For every image pixel, it brings the pixel Value (luminosity) into line with the lowest Value (the darkest) of the 8 neighboring pixels (3×3 matrix). So, a dark pixel is added around dark areas. An isolated pixel on a brighter background will be changed to a big pixel, composed of 9 pixels, and that will create some noise in the image.

In this image, the studied pixel has a red border and the studied 3×3 matrix has a green border. Thus when the pixel marked with I is inside the green border, the studied pixel turns to black.

A larger dark area will expand by one pixel in all directions:

Das Filter wurde dreimal angewendet.

On more complex images, dark areas are widened and enhanced the same, and somewhat pixelated. Here, the filter was applied 3 times:

Wenn der Hintergrund dunkler als der Vordergrund ist, wird er letztlich natürlich das gesamte Bild bedecken.

9.6.2. Activating the Filter

This filter is found in the main menu under FiltersGenericErode.

9.6.3. Anwendungsbeispiele

Abbildung 17.188. Erode text

Erode text