4.2. Align and Distribute

The Align and Distribute tool is useful to align the image layers with various image objects. When this tool is selected, the mouse pointer turns to a small hand. By clicking on an element of a layer in the image, you choose the layer which will be moved (with Shift + click, you can choose several layers to be aligned); this focused layer has small squares in corners and is called source. Then buttons in the dialog become active (they remain active during all the GIMP session): they allow you to select the target, i.e other layer, selection, path, the source will be aligned with.

4.2.1. Aktivering

Du kan aktivera verktøyet på fleire måtar:

  • From the main menu: ToolsTransform ToolsAlign and Distribute.

  • By clicking the tool icon in the Toolbox.

  • By pressing the Q keyboard shortcut.

4.2.2. Valtastane (normalinnstillinga)


Du kan markere fleire lag samstundes ved å halde nede Shift-tasten når du klikkar på laga.

[Tips] Tips

Ofte vil det vere enklare å velje fleire lag ved hjelp av «strikkmetoden»: Klikk ein eller annan stad utanfor eit tenkt rektangulært område som inneheld dei laga du vil markere. Dra ut regionen med musepeikaren medan du held museknappen nede. Når du slepp musepeikaren, vert alle laga som er innføre rektangelet markerte.

Legg merke til at det nå ikkje er noko «første element» å innrette laga etter.

4.2.3. Verktøyinnstillingar

Figur 14.94. Tool Options for the Align and Distribute tool

Tool Options for the Align and Distribute tool

Normally, tool options are displayed in a window attached under the Toolbox as soon as you activate a tool. If they are not, you can access them from the main menu through WindowsDockable WindowsTool Options which opens the option window of the selected tool.

Relativ til:

In this drop-down list, you select the target, the image object the layer will be aligned with.

  • Første element: Det første av fleire element vald ved å halde nede Shift-tasten. Dersom du har brukt «strikkmetoden», er Første element ikkje tilgjengeleg.

  • Image: the image is the target.

  • Selection: the selection is the target.

  • Active layer: the active layer, in the Layers dialog, is the target.

  • Active Channel: the active channel, containing a selection you made before, is the target.

  • Active Path: the active path is the target.

Align buttons

These buttons become active when a target is selected.

  • Align left edge of target: to align left edge of source with left edge of target.

  • Align center of target: to align center of source on the vertical middle line of target.

  • Align right edge of target: to align right edge of source with right edge of target.

  • Align top edge of target: to align top edge of source with top edge of target.

  • Align middle of target: to align center of source on the horizontal middle line of target.

  • Align bottom edge of target: to align bottom edge of source with bottom edge of target.


An image with a selection, layer #1 (background) is active, layer #2 is cropped to content, layer #3 is a text layer.

We click on the yellow circle: layer #2 becomes the source. We want to send this source to the middle of the selection: the Relative to option is set to «Selection».

Align center of target clicked

Align middle of target clicked

Med forskyving
Distribute buttons

These options are used when you have several targets and want to arrange them. Here, layers selected with Shift + Click are called «targets». But they are actually sources. «Relative to» options are active to set the target. These transformations are usually relative to «Image».

These options work as Align options, but you can distribute sources evenly.

  • Distribute targets evenly in the horizontal: to distribute sources evenly horizontally.

  • Distribute horizontal centers of targets: to distribute centers of sources with center of the target horizontally.

  • Distribute targets evenly in the vertical: to distribute sources evenly vertically.

  • Distribute vertical centers of targets: to distribute centers of sources with center of target.

Figur 14.95. Example for the «Distribute» commands

Example for the «Distribute» commands

Base image: three layers. Example for the «Distribute» commands (Distribute right edges of targets) will be used.

Example for the «Distribute» commands
Active layer is yellow (target). All layers are aligned on the right edge of the yellow layer.

4.2.4. A practical example for «Distribute»

Figur 14.96. Origin

Four text layers, with same size. We want to align them at center of image.



We select them as sources with Shift + Click.


The default target (Relative to) is «Image». We used the Origin (Distribute vertical centers of targets) command.


After using the Origin (Distribute targets evenly in the horizontal).

4.2.5. Align using the rubber-band box

Figur 14.97. Innrett med gummistrikk

Innrett med gummistrikk

Vi klikka til venstre for og over det raude laget og dro ut eit område som dekker det raude og det gule laget ved å dra peikaren nedover mot høgre.

Innrett med gummistrikk

«Selection» is the reference. After a click on the Innrett med gummistrikk button, both layers align with the left side of the selection.