10. Paprastų objektų piešimas

In this section, you will learn how to create simple objects in GIMP.

10.1. Tiesios linijos brėžimas

Let's begin by painting a straight line. The easiest way to create a straight line is by using your favorite brush tool, the mouse and the keyboard.

  1. Create a New Image

    Pav. 7.31. A new image

    A new image

    Dialoge rodomas naujas baltu fonu užpildytas paveikslėlis.

    Create a new image.

  2. Choose a Tool

    Select a brush tool from the Toolbox, for example the Pencil tool or the Paintbrush tool.

  3. Select a Color

    Select a foreground color, but be sure that the foreground and background colors are different.

  4. Create a Starting Point

    Pav. 7.32. The start of the straight line

    The start of the straight line

    Dialoge rodomas naujas paveikslėlis, kuriame pirmas taškas parodo naujos linijos pradžią. Taškas yra juodos priekinio plano spalvos.

    The size of this dot represents the current brush size, which you can change in the Brush Dialog.

    Create a starting point by clicking on the image display area with the left mouse button. Your canvas should look similar to Pav. 7.31, „A new image“.

  5. Draw the Line

    Pav. 7.33. The helpline

    The helpline

    Ekrano nuotraukoje rodoma pagalbinė linija, parodanti kaip atrodys nupiešta linija.

    Now, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and move the mouse away from the starting point you created. You'll see a thin line indicating how the line will look.

  6. Finish the Line

    Pav. 7.34. The line after the second click

    The line after the second click

    Sukurta linija paveikslėlio lange atsiranda nupiešus antrą tašką (arba galinį tašką) laikant paspaudus klavišą Shift.

    If you're satisfied with the direction and length of the line, click the left mouse button again to finish the line. The last step is to let go of the Shift key. GIMP displays a straight line now.

10.1.1. Pavyzdžiai

Pav. 7.35. Examples I

Examples I

Set Dynamics to Color From Gradient and set Color Options to Incandescent. Under Fade Options, set Repeat to Truncate. Depending on the size of your underlying image, you might want to change the Fade length as well.

Examples I

Select the Clone tool and set the source to Maple Leaves pattern.

Pav. 7.36. Examples II

Examples II

Use FiltersRenderPatternGrid to create a grid. Use the Smudge Tool to draw a line with a slightly larger brush.

Examples II

Use FiltersRenderNoisePlasma to create the cool plasma cloud. Use the Erase Tool with a square brush to draw a line.

Pav. 7.37. Example III

Example III

Use the rectangle select tool to select a rectangle, and then fill the selection with a light blue color. Select the Dodge/Burn tool. Set the type to Dodge and paint along the top and left side using an appropriately sized brush. Set the type to Burn and paint along the right and bottom.