Cap. 16. Menus


1. Introducere în Meniuri
1.1. The Main Menu
1.2. Meniuri contextuale
1.3. Meniuri de filă
2. Meniul Fișier
2.1. Prezentare generală
2.2. New…
2.3. Create
2.4. Open…
2.5. Open as Layers…
2.6. Open Location…
2.7. Open Recent
2.8. Save
2.9. Save As…
2.10. Save a Copy…
2.11. Revert
2.12. Export… and Overwrite…
2.13. Export As…
2.14. Create Template…
2.15. Print
2.16. Send by Email
2.17. Copy Image Location
2.18. Show in File Manager
2.19. Close View
2.20. Close All
2.21. Quit
3. Meniul Editare
3.1. Intrările meniului Editare
3.2. Anulare
3.3. Refă
3.4. Anulare istoric
3.5. Taie
3.6. Copiază
3.7. Copiază partea vizibilă
3.8. Lipește
3.9. Lipire în selecție
3.10. Lipește în loc
3.11. Lipire în selecție și în loc
3.12. Lipire ca
3.13. Tampon
3.14. Curăță
3.15. Umplere cu culoare de prim plan
3.16. Umple cu culoare de fundal
3.17. Umple cu un model
3.18. Umplere schiță selecție
3.19. Fill Paths
3.20. Conturare de selecție
3.21. Stroke Paths
3.22. Preferences
3.23. Input Devices
3.24. Scurtături de tastatură
3.25. Module
3.26. Unități
4. Meniul Selectează
4.1. Introducere în meniul Selectează
4.2. Select All
4.3. None
4.4. Invert
4.5. Float
4.6. By Color
4.7. Selection From Paths
4.8. Selection Editor
4.9. Feather
4.10. Sharpen
4.11. Shrink
4.12. Grow
4.13. Border
4.14. Remove Holes
4.15. Distort
4.16. Rounded Rectangle
4.17. Toggle Quick Mask
4.18. Save to Channel
4.19. To Path
5. Meniul Vizualizare
5.1. Introduction to the View Menu
5.2. New View
5.3. Show All
5.4. Dot for Dot
5.5. Zoom
5.6. Flip & Rotate (0°)
5.7. Center Image in Window
5.8. Shrink Wrap
5.9. Full Screen
5.10. Navigation Window
5.11. Display Filters
5.12. Color Management
5.13. Show Selection
5.14. Show Layer Boundary
5.15. Show Canvas Boundary
5.16. Show Guides
5.17. Show Grid
5.18. Show Sample Points
5.19. Snap to Guides
5.20. Snap to Grid
5.21. Snap to Canvas
5.22. Snap to Active Path
5.23. Padding Color
5.24. Show Menubar
5.25. Show Rulers
5.26. Show Scrollbars
5.27. Show Statusbar
6. Meniul Imagine
6.1. Overview
6.2. Duplicate
6.3. Mode
6.4. RGB mode
6.5. Grayscale mode
6.6. Indexed mode
6.7. Encoding
6.8. Color Management
6.9. Use sRGB Profile
6.10. Assign Color Profile
6.11. Convert to Color Profile
6.12. Discard Color Profile
6.13. Save Color Profile to File
6.14. Transform
6.15. Flip Horizontally; Flip Vertically
6.16. Rotation
6.17. Canvas Size
6.18. Fit Canvas to Layers
6.19. Fit Canvas to Selection
6.20. Print Size
6.21. Scale Image
6.22. Crop Image
6.23. Slice Using Guides
6.24. Zealous Crop
6.25. Merge Visible Layers
6.26. Flatten Image
6.27. Align Visible Layers…
6.28. Guides
6.29. New Guide (by Percent)
6.30. New Guide
6.31. New Guides from Selection
6.32. Remove all Guides
6.33. Configure Grid…
6.34. Image Properties
6.35. Metadata
6.36. Metadata Editor
6.37. Metadata Viewer
7. Meniul Strat
7.1. Introduction to the Layer Menu
7.2. New Layer
7.3. New from Visible
7.4. New Layer Group
7.5. Duplicate layers
7.6. Anchor Floating Layer or Mask
7.7. Merge Down
7.8. Merge Layer Groups
7.9. Delete Layers
7.10. The Text Commands of the Layer Menu
7.11. Discard Text Information
7.12. Text to Path
7.13. Text along Path
7.14. Stack Submenu
7.15. Select Previous Layers
7.16. Select Next Layers
7.17. Select Top Layer
7.18. Select Bottom Layer
7.19. Raise Layers
7.20. Lower Layers
7.21. Layers to Top
7.22. Layers to Bottom
7.23. Reverse Layer Order
7.24. The Mask Submenu
7.25. Add Layer Masks
7.26. Apply Layer Masks
7.27. Delete Layer Masks
7.28. Show Layer Masks
7.29. Edit Layer Mask
7.30. Disable Layer Masks
7.31. Masks to Selection
7.32. Add Masks to Selection
7.33. Subtract Masks from Selection
7.34. Intersect Masks with Selection
7.35. The Transparency Submenu
7.36. Add Alpha Channel
7.37. Remove Alpha Channel
7.38. Color to Alpha
7.39. Semi-Flatten
7.40. Threshold Alpha
7.41. Alpha to Selection
7.42. Add Alpha to Selection
7.43. Subtract Alpha from Selection
7.44. Intersect Alpha with Selection
7.45. The Transform Submenu
7.46. Flip Horizontally
7.47. Flip Vertically
7.48. Rotate 90° clockwise
7.49. Rotate 90° counter-clockwise
7.50. Rotate 180°
7.51. Arbitrary Rotation
7.52. Offset
7.53. Layer Boundary Size
7.54. Layers to Image Size
7.55. Scale Layer
7.56. Resize Layers to Selection
7.57. Crop Layers to Content
8. Meniul Culori
8.1. Introduction to the Colors Menu
8.2. Color Balance
8.3. Color Temperature
8.4. Hue Chroma
8.5. Hue-Saturation
8.6. Saturation
8.7. Exposure
8.8. Shadows-Highlights
8.9. Brightness-Contrast
8.10. Levels
8.11. Curves
8.12. Invert
8.13. Linear Invert
8.14. Value Invert
8.15. The Auto Submenu
8.16. Egalizează
8.17. Balans de alb
8.18. Întindere contrast
8.19. Stretch Contrast HSV
8.20. Îmbunătățire culoare
8.21. The Components Submenu
8.22. Mixer canal
8.23. Extragere componentă
8.24. Mixer mono
8.25. Compunere
8.26. Descompune
8.27. Recompune
8.28. The Desaturate Submenu
8.29. Color la gri
8.30. Desaturare
8.31. Mono Mixer
8.32. Sepia
8.33. The Map Submenu
8.34. Rearanjare paletă de culori
8.35. Stabilește paleta de culori
8.36. Hartă alien
8.37. Schimb de culori
8.38. Rotire culori
8.39. Hartă degrade
8.40. Hartă de paletă
8.41. Exemplu de colorare
8.42. The Tone Mapping Submenu
8.43. Fattal și restul. 2002
8.44. Mantiuk 2006
8.45. Reinhard 2005
8.46. Stres
8.47. Destripe
8.48. Retinex
8.49. The Info Submenu
8.50. Histogramă
8.51. Exportă histogramă
8.52. Culoarea medie a chenarului
8.53. Netezește paleta
8.54. Threshold
8.55. Colorize
8.56. Posterize
8.57. Color to Alpha…
8.58. Dither
8.59. RGB Clip
8.60. Hot…
9. Meniul Unelte
9.1. Introducere în meniul Unelte
10. Meniul Filtre
10.1. Introducere în meniul Filtre
10.2. Repetă ultimul
10.3. Re-Show Last
10.4. Restabilește toate filtrele
10.5. The Development Submenu
10.6. Submeniul Python-Fu
10.7. Submeniul Script-Fu
11. Meniul Ferestre
12. Meniul Ajutor
12.1. Introducere în meniul Ajutor
12.2. Ajutor
12.3. Ajutor contextual
12.4. User Manual
12.5. Sfatul zilei
12.6. Welcome Dialog
12.7. Search and Run a Command
12.8. Navigator de module
12.9. Navigatorul de proceduri
12.10. GIMP online
12.11. Despre

1. Introducere în Meniuri

There are many places in GIMP where you can find menus. The aim of this chapter is to explain all the commands that are accessible from the main menu at the top of GIMP's window, and the main menu you get by right clicking the canvas. All context menus and menu entries for other dialogs are described elsewhere in the chapters that describe the dialogs themselves.

1.1. The Main Menu

The main menu in multi-window mode.

[Notă] Notă

The main menu may contain additional entries if you have added scripts or plug-ins.

1.2. Meniuri contextuale

If you right-click on certain parts of GIMP's interface, a context menu opens, which allows access to additional commands related to where you clicked. Some places where you can access context menus are:

  • Right-clicking on an image window displays the Main menu. This is useful when you are working in full-screen mode, without a menu bar.

  • Right-clicking on a layer in the Layers Dialog or on a channel in the Channels Dialog displays functions for the selected layer or channel.

  • Right-clicking on the Main Menu bar has the same effect as left-clicking.

  • Right-clicking on the title bar displays functions which do not belong to GIMP, but to the window manager of your computer.

1.3. Meniuri de filă

The Tab Menu is not related to the Main Menu, but mentioned here for the sake of completeness:

Every dockable dialog contains a Tab Menu button . Pressing this Tab Menu button opens a special menu of tab-related operations, with an entry at the top that opens the dialog's context menu.

Fig. 16.1. Un dialog andocabil.

Un dialog andocabil.

Meniul filă.

Consultați Secțiune 2.3.2, „Meniu tab” pentru a afla mai multe despre meniurile de filă.